Japanese vocabulary

Most common japanese words 3000 words list

3000 most common japanese words

3000 most common japanese words – week 11

Day 61

2601. 贅沢 (zeitaku) :luxury, extravagance

2602. そのうち (sonouchi) :before long, sooner or later

2603. でこぼこ (dekoboko) :unevenness, bumpiness

2604. 手のひら (tenohira) :palm

2605. 裸足 (hadashi) :bare feet

2606. べたべた (betabeta) :stick together, sticky

2607. 眉毛 (mayuge) :eyebrows

2608. 割り箸 (waribashi) :disposable chopsticks

2609. 日付け (hiduke) :date (written in a document, etc.)

2610. ぴたりと (pitarito) :suddenly, coming to a dead stop

Day 62

2611. まな板 (manaita) :chopping board

2612. 筆記用具 (hikkiyougu) :pens and pencils, writing materials

2613. くすぐる (kusuguru) :tickle

2614. かんかん (kankan) :furiously angry, in a rage

2615. 白線 (hakusen) :white (warning) line

2616. 見覚え (mioboe) :recognition, remembrance

2617. これまで (koremade) :until now, until here

2618. からす (karasu) :crow, raven

2619. 噛み付く (kamitsuku) :bite

2620. 白菜 (hakusai) :Chinese cabbage

Day 63

2621. プロ野球 (puroyakyuu) :professional baseball

2622. かみそり (kamisori) :razor

2623. 何十 (nanjuu) :several tens

2624. 何百 (nanbyaku) :several hundred, hundreds

2625. 何千 (nanzen) :several thousand, thousands

2626. がくんと (gakunto) :sharply, significantly

2627. 飛び下りる (tobioriru) :jump off, jump down

2628. 通行止め (tsuukoudome) :road closed

2629. 行き止まり (ikidomari) :dead end

2630. 真ん丸 (manmaru) :perfect circle, perfectly round

Day 64

2631. いつの間に (itsunomani) :without anyone noticing

2632. くっ付ける (kuttsukeru) :attach (something), stick (something)

2633. 付け足す (tsuketasu) :add on, append

2634. 得する (tokusuru) :profitable, beneficial

2635. 損する (sonsuru) :lose, suffer loss

2636. 言い返す (iikaesu) :talk back

2637. 体温計 (taionkei) :(clinical) thermometer

2638. 後戻り (atomodori) :turning back, retreat

2639. 話し声 (hanashigoe) :talking voice

2640. くるくる (kurukuru) :round and round, spin

Day 65

2641. 怖がる (kowagaru) :be afraid of, fear

2642. 人違い (hitochigai) :mistaken identity

2643. 取り返す (torikaesu) :take back, regain

2644. 乗り降り (noriori) :getting on and off

2645. 口喧嘩 (kuchigenka) :quarrel

2646. 起き上がる (okiagaru) :get up, rise

2647. ぶら下がる (burasagaru) :hang down, dangle

2648. 飛び上がる (tobiagaru) :fly up, fump up

2649. 泣き声 (nakigoe) :tearful voice, sound of crying

2650. 持ち物 (mochimono) :one’s belongings

Day 66

2651. 細長い (hosonagai) :long and thin, long and narrow

2652. 出入り口 (deiriguchi) :doorway, gateway

2653. 正座 (seiza) :sitting on one’s heels

2654. 大喜び (ooyorokobi) :great joy

2655. 落とし物 (otoshimono) :lost property

2656. じゃんじゃん (janjan) :many times, repeatedly

2657. 見違える (michigaeru) :look completely different

2658. 合理的 (gouriteki) :rational, logical

2659. 自主的 (jishuteki) :voluntary, independent

2660. 全面的 (zenmenteki) :full-scale, complete

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