Japanese vocabulary

Most common japanese words 3000 words list

3000 most common japanese words

3000 most common japanese words – week 2

 Day 7

2061. 逮捕 (taiho) :arrest, capture

2062. 程度 (teido) :degree, extent

2063. 同様 (douyou) :similar, the same as

2064. 要求 (youkyuu) :need, demand

2065. 貿易 (boueki) :(export and import) trade

2066. 輸出 (yushutsu) :export

2067. 商業 (shougyou) :commerce, trade

2068. 船便 (funabin) :surface mail, shipping service

2069. 選挙 (senkyo) :election

2070. 住民 (juumin) :resident

Day 8

2071. 出席 (shusseki) :attendance, presence

2072. 発言 (hatsugen) :utterance, remark

2073. 伴う (tomonau) :accompany, entail

2074. 採用 (saiyou) :employment, adoption

2075. 処理 (shori) :handling, processing

2076. 解決 (kaiketsu) :solution, settlement

2077. 全国 (zenkoku) :the whole country

2078. 作業 (sagyou) :work, operation

2079. 生産 (seisan) :production

2080. 管理 (kanri) :management, administration

Day 9

2081. 増加 (zouka) :increase, rise

2082. 特徴 (tokuchou) :distinctive feature, characteristic

2083. 強調 (kyouchou) :emphasis, stress

2084. 制度 (seido) :system

2085. 株 (kabu) :stock, share

2086. 加える (kuwaeru) :add (things of the same or different kinds)

2087. 強化 (kyouka) :strengthening

2088. 設計 (sekkei) :design, plan

2089. 段階 (dankai) :stage, phase

2090. 行う (okonau) :do, carry out

Day 10

2091. 経済 (keizai) :economy, economics

2092. 工場 (koujou) :factory, plant

2093. 技術 (gijutsu) :skill, technology

2094. 施設 (shisetsu) :facilities, institution

2095. 神 (kami) :God

2096. 人口 (jinkou) :population

2097. 党 (tou) :party, faction

2098. 輸入 (yunyuu) :import

2099. 煮る (niru) :simmer, cook

2100. コンサート (konsaato) :concert

Day 11

2101. ガソリン (gasorin) :gasoline

2102. パンツ (pantsu) :pants, trousers

2103. そっくり (sokkuri) :almost identical

2104. 名刺 (meishi) :business card, name card

2105. いちいち (ichiichi) :every time, about everything

2106. しつこい (shitsukoi) :persistent, pesky

2107. 喉 (nodo) :throat

2108. 身長 (shinchou) :height

2109. 何で (nande) :why, what for

2110. 味噌 (miso) :soybean paste

Day 12

2111. 気の毒 (kinodoku) :pitiful, poor

2112. そっと (sotto) :softly, gently

2113. こっそり (kossori) :secretly

2114. うっかり (ukkari) :carelessly, accidentally

2115. わざと (wazato) :on purpose

2116. がっかり (gakkari) :disappointed, disappointing

2117. ぼんやり (bonyari) :vacantly, absent-mindedly

2118. 酢 (su) :vinegar

2119. 羨ましい (urayamashii) :envious, jealous

2120. 捕まえる (tsukamaeru) :catch, arrest

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