Japanese vocabulary

Most common japanese words 3000 words list

3000 most common japanese words

3000 most common japanese words – week 10

Day 55

2540. ねぎ (negi) :spring onion, green onion

2541. きゅうり (kyuuri) :cucumber

2542. 鰻 (unagi) :eel

2543. まぐろ (maguro) :tuna

2544. パイナップル (painappuru) :pineapple

2545. ほうれん草 (hourensou) :spinach

2546. マヨネーズ (mayoneezu) :mayonnaise

2547. 玉ねぎ (tamanegi) :onion

2548. 焼き肉 (yakiniku) :grilled meat, barbecued meat

2549. 目薬 (megusuri) :eye drops

2550. 寝過ごす (nesugosu) :oversleep

Day 56

2551. 国際的 (kokusaiteki) :international

2552. 国際化 (kokusaika) :internationalization

2553. 区役所 (kuyakusho) :ward office

2554. 和室 (washitsu) :Japanese-style room

2555. 本格的 (honkakuteki) :authentic, serious

2556. 高速道路 (kousokudouro) :freeway, expressway

2557. とりあえず (toriaezu) :for now, for the time being

2558. 先に (sakini) :before, ahead

2559. ぎりぎり (girigiri) :just in time, barely

2560. 慌ただしい (awatadashii) :busy and hurried

Day 57

2561. 今ごろ (imagoro) :by now, at this time

2562. くっ付く (kuttsuku) :stick, be attached

2563. 北風 (kitakaze) :north wind

2564. 海老 (ebi) :shrimp

2565. 思い切って (omoikitte) :daringly, taking the plunge

2566. はっと (hatto) :taken aback, startled

2567. 宛先 (atesaki) :recipient’s address

2568. ばらばら (barabara) :separately, discretely

2569. 乗車券 (joushaken) :train ticket, bus ticket

2570. ぶるぶる (buruburu) :shivering, trembling

Day 58

2571. すらすら (surasura) :smoothly, easily

2572. 終電 (shuuden) :last train

2573. ずるい (zurui) :cunning, sneaky

2574. すやすや (suyasuya) :(sleep) peacefully, soundly

2575. がたがた (gatagata) :with a rattling noise, unstable

2576. 非常口 (hijouguchi) :emergency exit

2577. ざらざら (zarazara) :rough, gritty

2578. ぬるぬる (nurunuru) :slimy

2579. 女らしい (onnarashii) :womanly, feminine

2580. 急用 (kyuuyou) :urgent business

Day 59

2581. きょろきょろ (kyorokyoro) :look around

2582. ぐずぐず (guzuguzu) :slowly, tardily

2583. ぽかぽか (pokapoka) :pleasantly warm

2584. 洗い物 (araimono) :dishes to be washed

2585. かっと (katto) :in a temper, in a rage

2586. どきっと (dokitto) :surprised, shocked

2587. 乗り遅れる (noriokureru) :miss (a train, bus, etc.)

2588. くたくた (kutakuta) :exhausted

2589. すべすべ (subesube) :smooth, silky

2590. にやにや (niyaniya) :grin to oneself

Day 60

2591. あだ名 (adana) :nickname

2592. 後片付け (atokataduke) :cleaning up

2593. イカ (ika) :squid

2594. うきうき (ukiuki) :excitedly

2595. 可愛がる (kawaigaru) :love, cherish

2596. 餃子 (gyouza) :Chinese dumpling

2597. げらげら (geragera) :(laugh) out loud

2598. ごめん (gomen) :sorry

2599. 明々後日 (shiasatte) :three days from today

2600. 削減 (sakugen) :cutdown, reduction

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