100 most common Japanese phrases anime

In this article, Learn Japanese Daily will introduce you to 100 most common Japanese phrases anime. These 100100 most common Japanese phrases anime are already converted to Kanji, with Hiragana and Romaji spelling so you can follow manga series and animated series better.
- 1 100 Japanese phrases anime part 1:
- 2 100 Japanese phrases anime part 2
- 3 100 common Japanese phrases in manga anime part 3
- 4 100 common Japanese phrases in manga anime part 4
- 5 100 japanese anime words part 5
- 6 100 japanese anime words part 6
- 7 100 common japanese phrases in anime part 7
- 8 100 common japanese words in anime part 8
- 9 100 japanese words anime 9
- 10 100 japanese words anime part 10
100 Japanese phrases anime part 1:
1. 危ない(あぶない)abunai – dangerous: In Japanese, a word can have various meanings therefore depending on a particular circumstance, it can mean wicked or scary. Sometimes it implies something not good or dangerous. For example, 危ない関係”abunai kankei” implies a dangerous and unwholesome relationship.
2. 愛(あい)ai – Love, to love 愛している (あいしている) to love someone.
3. 相手(あいて)aite – oponent, enemy, sometimes means partner. For example, 結婚の相手がない Have no partner to marry.
4. 悪魔(あくま)akuma – demon. Ugly, demonic. Used to describe someone’s evil personality or scary appearance.
5. 有難う(ありがとう)arigatou – Thank you.
6. 馬鹿(ばか)baka – An insult used to humiliate someone. Depending on how the speaker raises their voice, it can mean “idiot” or “crazy” or “stupid”.
Sometimes used to say someone who is trying to get on the speaker’s nerves. Sometimes used to scold people who are too good, for example helping others but hurting themselves.
7. 化け物(ばけもの) bakemono – A monster. Sometimes used to compliment someone’s extraodinary strength or abilitiy.
8. ロジャー roja – Understand clearly = ryokai.
9. 美人(びじん) bijin – A beautiful woman. Used to compliment women. However, be careful when you do that because it can backfire.
10. 違う(ちがう)chigau – Not right, different, wrong way: Used when someone is wrong or making a mistake at work. Wrong, not me!
100 Japanese phrases anime part 2
11. 力(ちから)があるね. chikaraga arune healthy, full of strength. For example, omae kekkou chikaraga arune You look strong. If combined with a mocking tone, it means to look down on someone: You look strong, but that means nothing.
12. 畜生(ちくしょう)chikusho – A brute = Damm, Shit: swear words used when you mess up something or when you have bad luck.
13. (ちょっと)chotto – A little. Is not used to show quantity, it is used in contexts such as: Can you hold it for a while… Wait a minute. chotto ii ? Can I ask you something? Chotto is also used to criticize, scold someone for something. For example when the kid does something wrong, the mother will say chotto ! (Hey, what are you doing?)
14. 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)daijoubu – Fine, okay, good. Used to answer when someone asks you about your health. Are you ok? I’m fine.
15. 黙れ(だまれ)damare – Shut up, originated from the word damaru: silent. Often used to order the other person to keep silent. Be careful to use it because it can come off as rude.
16. 騙す(だます)damasu – To lie, trick. orewo damasutsumori? You want to lie to me? damasareta: being lied to . mata damasaretaka ? You’re tricked again?
17. 駄目(だめ)dame – bad, not good. Used to refer to something that’s impossible to not do!
18. 誰(だれ)dare – Someone – suffix. For example: dareka someone, daremo nai: no one, daredemo: everyone.
19. 何所(どこ)doko – where?
20. ふざける fuzakeru – nonsense. fuzakeruna : speaking nonsense – stop speaking nonsense!
100 common Japanese phrases in manga anime part 3
21. 餓鬼(がき) gaki – A brat. Used to look down on someone who is younger than you.
22. 頑張る(がんばる) gambaru – To try. Normally use gambare or gambatte kudasai Fighting! Do your best, Used to cheer someone up. In anime they often support each other by saying: gambare – a short form of gambatte kudasai. Used between friends, or by superiors to subordinates.
23. 早い(はやい) hayai – So fast. When someone is too fast and you can’t catch up.
24. 変(へん) hen – strange, different. You look different today: kyou hen dayo.
25. 変態(へんたい) hentai – Perverse, abnormal. Nowadays, it means sexually pervese. “Hentai” is a type of pornography.
26. 酷い(ひどい) hidoi – horrible!!! Used to say that someone is ruthless, cruel.
27. 姫(ひめ) hime – Princess, some guys use this to address girls they are courting.
28. いい ii – Good, great: Used to show approval.
29. 行く(いく)iku – Let’s go…Get off, go away… the same withikimashou, ikou(Let’s go..) or sometimes used to shoo someone or some disgusting creatures away ike : Gest lost.
30. 命(いのち)inochi – Life. We often here: inochiwo kakeru, means to bet your life. kakeru means to bet.
100 common Japanese phrases in manga anime part 4
31. 痛い(いたい)itai – hurt, painful, wounded. When someone gets hurt, they will say OOp or Ite-e!. itaijanaika : Isn’t it hurt? Sometimes used to mock the other person, that they are weak: Your punches are painful.
32. 地獄(じごく)jigoku Hell, hades. Common phrase: jigoku ni ochirou ! Go to hell.
33. 女子高生 (じょしこうせい)- joshikousei a phrase used to describe a pretty girl that has a strong personality, or girls in high school in manga and anime.
34. 構わない(かまわない)kamawanai – It doesn’t matter, it’s ok, don’t worry about it. Used to show that you don’t care.
35. 神(かみ)kami – God/Godess. We might see the word goddo, which is derived from the word God in English.
36. 必ず(かならず)kanarazu – Absolutely, definitely. Used to show the speaker’s determination. For example, kanarazu katsu. I will definitely win!
37. 彼氏(かれし)kareshi – Boyfriend, Kanojo – Girlfriend. For example, kareshiga dekita ? You have a boyfriend?
38. 可愛い(かわい)kawaii – cute: used for both people and animals, things.
39. けど kedo But, however. Used to show indecisiveness.
40. 怪我(けが)kega – Injury, wound. kegahanaika : Are you injured?
100 japanese anime words part 5
41. 警察(けいさつ)keisatsu – Poloce, cops. keisatsu da, nigero : The cops are here, run! keisatsu yobuyo: I called the cops.
42. 気 (き) ki – have many different meanings. yaruki : want to do. In some stories, it is used with the meaning: Qigong (in martial art).
43. 心(こころ)kokoro – Center, from heart: used when someone wants to pour their heart out. bokuno kokoroniha kimidakedesu. There is only you in my heart.
44. 殺す(ころす)korosu – To kill. Normally used as: koroshite kudasai : Kill me now! korosareta (has been killed/gotten rid of). korosu: I will kill you.
45. 怖い(こわい)kowai – Scary: Used to express the speaker’s fear. I’m so afraid! If you change the tone of your voice, it can sound mockingly: You’re so scary! I’m scared to death now.
46. 来る(くる)kuru – Come: This is an order, used to call someone. Normally used as: koi (vulgar). This is not used with your seniors and superiors, only used with your subordinates.
47. 魔法(まほう)mahou – Magic, sorcery. mahou wo tsukaeru ka? He can do magic?
48. 任せる(まかせる)makaseru – To entrust. watashini makasete kudasai. Don’t worry boss, leave it to me.
49. 負ける(まける)makeru – To lose … : For example. There is no way I’m gonna lose. There goes next round.
50. 守る(まもる)mamoru – To protect: For example kimiha orega mamoru “I will protect you” kuni wo mamoru : To protect the country.
100 japanese anime words part 6
51. まさか masaka – Could it be true that…? Don’t tell me… Used to guess. Could that be true? Don’t tell me that’s true. It means to show that you’re shocked or a little suspicious.
52. 待つ(まつ)matsu – Wait! Normally use matte : Wait!
53. 勿論(もちろん)mochiron – Of course. There is no doubt about it.
54. もう mou – Already done, enough… mou owari da : (our love) is over. Or everything is over (don’t be scared any more).
55. 娘(むすめ)musume – A girl, or an adorable girl (that you consider as your daughter). Normally used by the elders. When speaking, san is usually added after musume: musume san :Hey girl!
56. 仲(なか)naka – Used to refer to a relationship in a family or people who share the same value. For example, “Nakayoku suru” 仲良くする means “together” 仲間 “Nakama” means “close friend”.
57. 何 (なに)nani – What? This is a very familiar question, almost everyone who learns Japanese knows what it means. This is an unaddressed question, shouldn’t be used for older people. Only use it for younger people or your close friends.
58. なるほどnaruhodo – Oh, I see. Used to confirm what you’ve heard.
59. 逃げる(にげる)nigeru – To flee, run away…nigerou: Run!…
60. 人間(にんげん)ningen – Humanity, people. Used to refer to things that are related to human beings, personality, habit. ningenha souda – That’s how people are.
100 common japanese phrases in anime part 7
61. お早う(おはよう)ohayou – Good morning. A common greeting, used in the morning until 11 am – 12 pm
62. 怒る(おこる)okoru – Mad: mou okottayo I’m mad. okotteruno: Are you mad? Are you mad at me?
63. お願い(おねがい)onegai – Is a short form ofonegai shimasu means “Please”, or used to beg for something. For examplem, onegaidakara: I beg you (help me), I’ve already begged, please help me.
64. 鬼(おに)oni – Ghost, devil, monster. This word is used often in horror movies, or to describe someone who is so evil, merciless. However, in traditional Japanese stories, there are good and bad ghosts. omae hontoni onidana – you are a devil.
65. 了解(りょうかい) Ryoukai! – Understand. Used when you receive an order from your supervisors. Sometimes we see the word “Roger!”. These 2 word have the same meaning: Yes, sir/ma’am.
66. さあ Saa – An exclamation. Ah, uhm, huh… orenokoto kirai? (Do you hate me?) -> saana : Huh, god knows.
67. さすが sasuga – Truly, no wonder. Used to compliment someone when they do something extraordinary, not every one can do.
68. 先輩(せんぱい)sempai – Senior. Used to refer to someone who is more experienced than you in a particular field.
69. しかし shikashi – However. Used to express an opposite opinion with the aforementioned one.
70. 仕方がない shikata ga nai – There is no other way. shikagaganai, ore tetsudauka. There is no other way. Let me help you.
100 common japanese words in anime part 8
71. 信じる(しんじる)shinjiru – Believe in someone or something. For example.
信じてください shinjite kudasai.Meaning: Trust me.
信じられるか あいつ?shinjirareru ka aitsu. Meaning: Is he trustworthy? How can you trust him?
72. 死ぬ(しぬ)shinu – To die, normally use 死ね shine : to die, もう しんだのか? mou shindanoka : Dead already?
73. すこい sukoi – self-opinionated, ruthless …similar to: ずるい (bad personality).
74. 凄い(すごい)sugoi – Super, extraordinary, phenomenal! is one of 3 words normally used with “su”, suteki and subarashii are the other 2 words. They have similar meanings, to describe something wonderful and extraordinary.
75. 好き(すき)suki – To like: means having feelings for someone of the opposite sex. “Suki da.” means “I really like you”. Of course you can use it for things or pets too, such as dogs, cats, reading books, some foods.
76. する suru – Do: For example “Dou shiyou?,” means “OMG! What do I do now”.
77. 大変(たいへん)taihen – Extremely, used to describe something extremely horrid: taihenda: It’s dangerous. taihenna koto ni narimashita: It has become horrid. 大変(たいへん)taihen can be used as an auxiliary verb to emphasize: Very.
78. 助ける(たすける)tasukeru – To save, help: for example, “Tasukete kure!” means “Help me !”
79. 戦う(たたかう)tatakau – To fight. 敵と戦い続いていた。tekito tatakai tsuzuiteita : They have been fighting.
80. 敵(てき)teki – Enemy, foe… あいつらは 俺たちの 敵に なりました (aitsuraha oretachino tekini narimashita)。 They have become our enemy, foe.
100 japanese words anime 9
81. 友達(ともだち)tomodachi – A friend… tomodachi ni nattemo ii desuka? Can I be your friend? zutto tomodachi dane: Let’s be friends forever (friendzoned).
82. とても totemo – Extremely…,used to emphasize something, normally followed by an adjective. aituha totemo tsuyoi yo. He’s extremely strong.
83. 運命(うんめい)unmei – Destity, fate. anatani deauno ha watashino unmei da. I’m destined to meet you. kitto itsuka unmei no hito ni au: One day, we will definitely meet our other half (the one we are destined to meet).
84. 裏切り者 うらぎりもの uragirimono – A traitor. Used to refer to someone who betrays their own side. その裏切りものに信じるな(sono uragirimononi shinjiruna): Don’t ever believe in that traitor’s words.
85. 嬉しい うれしい ureshii! – Oh, so happy! An exclamation, for example when you receive a gift, you can say: ureshi : I’m so happy! For example.
mata kimini aerunoha hontouni ureshi desu
I’m happy to see you again!
86. 五月蠅い うるさい urusai – Too noisy, shut up: an order – stop talking (I’m not listening).
87. 嘘 うそ uso – To lie, a lie. うそつけ: Liar.
88. 噂 うわさ uwasa – A rummor.
89. 分かる wakaru – To understand. Normally use: wakatta: got it: when explained by someone. wakattaka? Got it?
90. 罠 わな wana – A trap, scheme. oreno wanani ochita: Fell into my trap.
100 japanese words anime part 10
91. やばい yabai – Oops. For example.
やばい、家のカギは会社に忘れました、どうしよう!(yabai, ieno kagiha kaishani wasuremashita. dou shiyou!), OOps, I left my house key at workplace. What to do now!
92. 約束 やくそく yakusoku – lời hứa. yakusokusuru: To promise. yakusokuwo yaburu: To break a promise. For example.
itsumo kanojono sobani iruto yakusoku shimashita.
Meaning: I promised to always be by her side.
93. 辞める やめる yameru – To give up, halt, cancel: Yamero! means: Enough, stop it.
94. やる yaru – To do, ac. For example.
やるか(yaruka) : Let’s do it.
あいつがやれるもんか(aitsuga yareru monka). How is he supposed to do that.
95. 優しい やさしい yasashii – Kind, easy-going. For example.
aitsuha gaikanga onimitai desuga, hontouni yasashihito desuyo
Meaning: He looks scary but he’s actually really easy-going.96. やった yatta – Hooray! Used to cheer: bravo, yeah…
96. やった yatta – Hooray! Used to cheer: bravo, yeah…
やった!やった!(yatta! yatta!)
Meaning : Hooray! Hooray!
97. よっし yosshi – Okay, yeah right, I’m ready.
For example, よっし、はじめましょう!
yosshi, hajimemashou !
Meaning : Okay, Let’s get started!
98. 妖怪 ようかい youkai – Monster, monster world. Used to describe something mysterious or paranormal.
99. 夢 ゆめ yume – A dream, to dream. For example.
bokuha kaizokuni naru yumega aru.
Meaning : I dream of being a navy officer.
100.許す ゆるす yurusu – To forgive. Used when you want to apologize or when the speaker forgives someone. For example.
お前 許さない!
omae yurusanai !
Meaning: I will never forgive you!
Above are 100 common Japanese phrases in manga anime. Check out our other articles in section: Japanese culture