
Japanese jokes – Study of logic

Hello everyone! Continuing the Japanese jokes series, in this post, we will introduce to you : Japanese jokes – Study of logic .

Japanese jokes - Study of logic

論理学 ジョーは酒場で論理学の教授と知り合った。










「ということは、あなたはホモ ではないですね?」



「なるほど!」 深く感心したジョーは、翌日友人のスティーブに言った。




Vocabulary – Grammar

論理学  ronri gaku: (study of) logic

酒場 sakaba: bar, pub

教授 kyouju: professor

芝刈機 shibakariki: lawnmower

広い hiroi: spacious, wide

庭 niwa: garden

一戸建て ikko date: detached house

その通り sono toori: just like that, I agree

ご家族 gokazoku: family

妻 tsuma: wife (my wife)

子供 kodomo: children

ホモ homo: homosexual

翌日 yokujitsu: next day

友人 yuujin: friend

教えてやろう oshiete yarou: I’ll tell you

なにじょう nanijou: in terms of ~

ところにはなにがあります: There is something in somewhere

ということは: that is to say, so that means












「ということは、あなたはホモ ではないですね?」



「なるほど!」 ふかくかんしんしたジョーは、よくじつゆうじんのスティーブにいった。





Joe met a logic professor at a bar.

“What is logic?”

“Let me show you. Do you have a lawnmower at home?”

“Yes, I have.”

“So that means you have a wide garden, right?”

“That’s right! There is a wide garden at my house.”

“So that means your house is detached, right?”

“That’s right! It’s a detached house.”

” So that means you have a family?”

“That’s right! I have a wife and two children.”

“So that means you’re not homosexual, right?”

“Yes! I’m not homosexual.”

“That is logic.”

“Oh, I see!”

Deeply impressed, Joe talked to his friend Steve the next day:

“Let me tell you about logic. Do you have a lawnmower at home?”

” No. I don’t have.”

“So that means you’re homosexual.”

Above is : Japanese jokes – Study of logic . See other Japanese jokes at category : 

Hope these Japanese jokes will bring you comfortable moments while learning Japanese 🙂

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