
Funny Japanese short stories

Hello everyone! In this post, Learn Japanese Daily will introduce to you some funny Japanese short stories.

Funny Japanese short stories

Funny Japanese short stories (part 1)

Story 1 : Just married


shinkonjidai, futaride neboushitesimai, isoide obentouwo tsukutteirutsumani

“okazuha kimochiga haitteireba nandemoiiyo” to ottoga itta.

kekkyoku, obentounonakaga zenbu kimuchini natteita.

On newlywed days, the couple overslept, the husband said to the wife who was making bento hurriedly that : “Whatever the side dish is, it will be good if you put your feelings in it.”

In the end, the bento was full of kimchi 😀

朝寝坊 asanebou : oversleeping, late riser

急いで isoide : hurriedly, quickly

Story 2 : Short legs


Aくん: 「おまえは平気だろ」
Bくん: 「私もだめだ、だって、わたしは足が短いだから・・・」

chuugakuseino tokino taiikusaino hanashi.

200me-torusouka 80me-torusouka de 4ninde mometeiruto,

hitorinokoga “watashi, zensokudakara 200hadekinai” to nukashimasita.

surutosukasazu mouhitorinokomo “watashimo..” to iimasita.

nokorino futari :

A : “omaeha heikidaro”

B: “Watashimodameda, datte,watashiwa ashiga mijikaidakara…”

The story about the athletic festival in junior high school.

Four students are arguing about whether to run 200 meters or 80 meters, a student said :

“I can’t run 200 meters because I’m asthmatic” and he apologized.

Immediately, another student said : “Me too…”

The remaining 2 students :

A : “You are fine, right?”

B : “I can’t, because I have short legs!

Funny Japanese short stories (part 2)

Funny Japanese short story

Story 1 : A nice bride


uchino hahaga terebiwo meteiruto, bijinno anaunsaaga detekita. hahaha,

“konnahitoga yomenikitekurekurerutoiiwa”

toitte nikonikositeitaga, uchinokazokude otokoha otoosansikanai.

hahaha, ittai darenoyomega hoshinodarouka.

美人(bijin : beautiful woman) のアナウンサー (announcer)

嫁 (yome : bride, (one’s) daughter-in-law)

ニコニコしていた : to smile

いったい : (what) the heck, (who) on earth

When my mother was watching TV, a beautiful female announcer appeared. My mother smiled and said :

“I hope this person will become my daughter-in-law”

But my father is the only man in my family.

Who on earth does my mother want that female announcer to become his wife? 😀

Story 2 : Light and dark


koukouno toki no kurasude okotta dekikoto desu

yujinha, heyaga kurai node shoumeiwo tsukete hoshiito iu imide

” sensei, kuraku arimasenka?”

to iimashita. suruto senseiha fukigensouni hitokoto.

” watashiha kouiu seikakunandesu”

This story happened in a hight school class.

Because the room was dark, my friend wanted to ask the teacher to turn on the lights:

” Teacher, isn’t it (the classroom) dark?”

Then the teacher uncomfortably said :

“My personality is like that”

Explanation : あかるい means light. When being used with one’s personality : 性格があかるい, it means a bright personality. And the wordくらい means dark. When being used with one’s personality : 性格がくらい, it means a gloomy personality.

Story 3 : Pay for receiving an email


この前 (konomae : some time ago, recently, lately)、
「メール (me-ru : email) で返事 (henji : reply) お願いします」

っていったらクロネコメールと勘違い(kanchigai : misunderstanding) したのか、
「返信 (henshin : reply) は着払い(chakubarai : cash on delivery, COD) で結構 (kekkou : OK)です」
電子(denshi : electron) メールで着払いってのは初めてでした。

Recently, when I said :

“Please reply by email”

I wonder if he misunderstood with Kuroneko Mail or not, he said to me :

“Reply can be paid COD”

It was the first time I heard that sending an email took money 😀

Funny Japanese short stories (part 3)

Funny Japanese short story

Story 1 : Call an ambulance


職場 (shokuba : workplace) で上司 (joushi : superior, boss) が急に (kyuni : suddenly, unexpectedly), 倒れ (collapse) 、動揺 (douyou :  trembling) した友人 (yuujin : friend) は119に電話 (denwa : 電話)して、
タクシーを呼ぶ (to call) かのように
「救急車 (kyuukyuusha : ambulance) 1台 (ichidai : one) お願い (onegai : please) します。」
と言っていた (itteita : said)。

Translation :

The boss suddenly collapsed at work, my friend who trembled called 119 and he called an ambulance like calling a taxi :

“I need an ambulance”

Story 2 – Nosebleed

「大変(たいへん)、大変! どっかから鼻血(はなじ)が出てる!」

お風呂 (ofuro : bath) に入っていた父が、突然 (dotsuzen : sudden, unexpected) 、大声 (oogoe : loud voice) でわめきだしました (shout) 。
「大変 (taihen : serious, terrible) 、大変! どっかから (from somewhere) 鼻血 (hạnaji : nosebleed) が出てる!」

Translation :

My father, who was taking a bath, suddenly shouted loudly :

“It’s serious! I have a nosebleed, where does the blood come from? ”

Where did the blood from my father’s nose came from? 😀

Funny Japanese short stories (part 4)

Funny Japanese short story

Story 1 – Being tenacious

ある夏(なつ)の日(ひ)、家(いえ)の居間(いま)に「ブーン」という大きな羽音(はねおと)のハエが 縦横無尽(じおうむじん)に飛び回る音に家族全員がイライラしていた。 父がいきなり部屋を出ていった。 すぐもどってきてハエめがけてスプレーを噴射(ふんしゃ)した。 父はハエにまったく効果(こうか)がないので 「なかなかしぶといハエだなぁ」 と言ったけど、それはヘアスプレーだったので効く(きく)はずなかった。 でも父(ちち)は最後(さいご)まで気づいていなかった。 私はもしかすると、ハードタイプのヘアスプレーだったので ハエが固(こ)まって落(お)ちるのでは?って内心(ないしん)思(お)っていたけど無駄(むだ)だった。

ある夏 (natsu : summer) の日家の居間 (ima : living room) に「ブーン」という大きな羽音 (haoto : sound of flapping wings) のハエ (fly) が 縦横無尽 (jioumujin : freely) に飛び回る (tobimawaru : to fly about) 音に家族 (kazoku : family) 全員 (zenin : all members) がイライラ (to get annoyed) していた。 父がいきなり (suddenly, all of a sudden) 部屋を出ていった。 すぐもどってきてハエめがけて (aim at) スプレーを噴射 (funsha : spray, injection) した。 父はハエにまったく効果 (kouka : effect) がないので 「なかなかしぶとい (tenacious, stubborn) ハエだなぁ」 と言ったけど、それはヘアスプレー (hair spray) だったので効くはずなかった。 でも父は最後 (saigo : end, last, final) まで気づいていなかった。 私はもしかすると (perhaps, maybe) 、ハードタイプ (hard type) のヘアスプレーだったので ハエがこまって落ちるのでは?って内心 (naishin : inner thoughts, one’s mind) 思っていたけど無駄 (muda : uselessness) だった。

On a summer day, there was a loud sound of a fly flying around the living room, all members got annoyed. My father suddenly left the room. And he immediately came back and sprayed the fly. Because it had no effect on the fly, my father said : “What a stubborn fly”, but it was a hair spray, so it definitely didn’t work. But my father didn’t realize that until the end. I thought that because it was a hard type of hair spray, maybe it can make the fly fall down? But it was useless.

Story 2 – Alien


ge-mu ko-na- ni tamurotteita 6,7 nin no wakai otokono hitotachino

pinkuya midorino iro toridori no kaminoke wo kyoumibukaisouni mitsumeteita 3saino musuko.

ikinari karerani chikayotte itte ichigon (ichigen – hitokoto).

“minasanha nanseijin desuka?”

My three-years-old son, who was staring at the pink and green hairs of six, seven young boys hanging out in the game corner, suddenly approached them and said :

“Which planet are you from?”

Above is: Funny Japanese short stories. Read other funny stories at category:

We hope these funny stories bring you comfortable moments while learning Japanese 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Funny Japanese short stories

  • Aishwarya Phatak

    hello, This is an excellent resource for those who want to take their Japanese language skills to the next level.
    I just have one suggestion. In this post there is one typo. Short stories part 3 , story-1 “call an ambulance” the kanji 動揺. furigana should be ”どうよう” and not “どうゆう”.

    Thank you

    • Learn Japanese daily

      I fixed it ! Thank you very much, Aishwarya Phatak !


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