Japanese の至り のいたり grammar noitari

Japanese の至り のいたり grammar noitari :
JLPT level : N1
Formation :
Meaning and how to use :
Describes the extreme state of something. The translation is “extremely, extremely …”. Used as a polite greeting
Nippon no shushou ni omenikakatte, watakushi ha kouei no itari desu.
To meet the Prime Minister of Japan, I’m extremely honored.
Anata no you na yuumei na hito ni ae te, boku ha jitsuni kangeki no i tari desu.
To meet someone as famous as you, I’m extremely excited.
Gaikoku ni taizai suru toki, anata ha iroiro osewa ni natte, hontouni kansha no itari desu.
You helped me when I was living abroad, I’m extremely grateful.
Amerika daitouryou no mae ni bakabakashii koudou o shi te, sekimen no itari datta.
I did stupid things in front of the President of the United State so I’m extremely embarrassed.
Idai na gakusha ni homerare te, kouei no itari desu.
It is an honor to be praised by a great scholar.
Sometimes this structure can also means “The result/consequence of..”.
Related structures :
に堪えない nitaenai
above is Japanese の至り のいたり grammar noitari. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
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