How to speak JapaneseJapanese vocabulary

How to say I love you in Japanese
How to say I love you in Japanese

Ways of saying I love you in Japanese. Let’s learn Japanese vocabulary: How to say I love you in Japanese.

Common ways to say I love you in Japanese:

すきです すきです sukidesu : I love you.

大好きです だいすきです daisuki desu : I love you so much. Normally, we would say the other person’s name first, for example,  A君、Bさん… then daisuki desu (check out the article: Addressing people in Japanese).

愛してる あいしてる aishiteru : I love you.

Aくん/Bさん/きみのことがすき : This is more of an indirect way of saying, it means “I like your/someone’s…” One doesn’t necessarily have to mean it in a romantic way. Therefore this is a safe way of saying if the feeling is not love yet.

月が綺麗ですね つきが きれいですね : The original meaning of this phrase is “the Moon is really beautiful”. However, this is also a common way to say “I love you” that Japanese people use. This is an indirect way of saying that only Japanese people understand.

Other ways of saying:

あなたと出会えてよかった – I’m lucky to meet you.

わたしにとってあなたがすべて – You’re my everything to me.

あなたは運命の人 – You’re my dream man, my fate.

Discussion about saying I love you in Japanese:

To a widely used language like English, people often say: I love you. In Japanese, the verbal noun of “love” is “(愛 あい) ai”, when converted to verb, we have: “aisuru (愛 す る)”. I love you can be translated as: “aishite imasu (愛 し て い ま す)”. “Aishiteru (愛 し て る)”, “aishiteru yo (愛 し て る よ)” or “aishiteru wa (愛 し て る わ, women use this way of saying)”. In fact, “aishite imasu (愛 し て い ま す)”, “aishiteru yo (愛 し て る よ)”. aisuru (愛 す る) is the verb, means to love. Other variants (conjugated) of aisuru (愛 す る) in different contexts.

However, Japanese people don’t usually say I love you as directly and frequently as western people, this is because of cultural differences. Japanese people prefer it less direct. It’s is not surprising if some Japanese people say they never use any of these above sayings in their entire lives.

Japanese people don’t really show their love in public. They believe actions speak louder than words. When they want to show love through words, they prefer to say: “suki desu (好 き で す)”. It means “to like”. “Suki da (好 き だ),” “suki Dayo” (好 き だ よ, men’s way of saying) or “Suki yo (好 き よ, women’s way of saying)”, these are closer ways of saying. There are many variants of this phrase, including dialects (Hogen). “Suki yanen (好 き や ね ん)” is one of the variants in Kansai-ben (Kansai dialect).

If you like someone or something very much, “dai (literally means big)” can be added as a prefix, you can say: “daisuki desu (大好 き で す)”.

Other common question  :

aishiteru yo – ai shiteru yo meaning – aishiteru japanese ?

aishiteru yo or “ai shiteru yo” is 愛してるよ. It means : I love you ! aishiteru is continuous form of “aisuru” : love. Aishiteru aishiteru meaning is “i am loving you”.

Yo is ending particle. Yo is not easily translated, but the nuance is similar to saying “I tell you” or “you know.” Yo (よ) indicates the speaker’s assumption that the listener doesn’t share (doesn’t know) the speaker’s opinion or information.  Yo (よ) is also used when the speaker wishes to emphasize new information.

so “yo” in aishiteru yo is used to tell other that “you should know that i am loving you”.

“aishiteru wa” has the same meaning with “aishiteru yo” as “wa” and “yo”, when standing at the end of the sentence, have the same meaning. In this case “wa” is mostly used by female.

I love you so much in Japanese?

“I love you so much” in Japanese is 大好きです dai sukidesu

i love you in Japanese anime?

In anime or manga, すき (suki) or 大好き (daisuki) is most used to say i love you

daisuki meaning is I love you so much, i love you very much in Japanese

aishiteru kanji is 愛してる

i like you in japanese is あなたのことが好き (anata no koto ga suki)

月が綺麗ですね meaning is “the moon is beautiful isn’t it!”. But it also means “I love you” in an indirect way. But this is quite an old way of speaking “I love you” in Japanese.


Above is a compilation of ways of saying I love you in Japanese. Learn Japanese Daily hopes you can choose for a favourite saying for yourself!

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