jlpt N3 listening practice

N3 listening practise lesson 4

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N3 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N3 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N3 listening section. Let’s start with the first lesson: practise N3 listening lesson 4

N3 listening practise lesson 3

How to practice listening

First, Listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

Video for N3 listening practice lesson 4

Please click on the video below to start listening

N3 listening practise lesson 4 – Tapescript:










Translation for Reference :

A student is talking at the library counter. Where is the book the student is looking for?

Student: Excuse me, where is this book? I checked on the Internet and Know that it is here. But I could not find it even if I searched the place of this number. . . 810..

Library person: Oh. . . Oh. These are specified books!

Student: Eh?

Library person: It’s book used in class, isn’t it !

Student: Yes. That’s right!

Library person: That book is at other place. It’s here now. . .  Here

Student: Oh, I understand. Thank you very much.

Where is the book the student is looking for?

Instruction to practice:

In order to understand and make this type of lesson effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question and predict the content of the listening through picture

Based on the picture, we can predict the listening test will ask about the position. So, we note the words related to the location when listening.

Picture 1: the corner of the specified books (指定 図 書 コ ー ナ)

Picture 2: row number 800

Picture 3: the audiovisual room (視 聴 覚 室)

Picture 4: literary bookstore – magazine (新聞 ー 雑 誌)

2. Note the main ideas:

In the form of a listening about position, we need to focus on the words and phrases that refer to the location, the right, the left, the behind, the infront of … After listening, we have some key words as follows:

810 の: No. 810 of

指定 図書: specified books

別のところ: other place

3. Choosing the answer:

Answer is 1

First, we can immediately eliminate answers 3 and 4. Because these answers do not appear in the listening. Answer 2: 800. In the list we hear the number 810 => note 2 answers. And we hear “other place”. So we can eliminate answer 2.

Only the first answer is left. The phrase 指定 図 書 is also mentioned in the listening. “These are specified books”

So we choose answer 1.

Above is the content of N3 listening practice lesson 4. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N3 listening practices at category : JLPT N3 Listening practice.

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