n2 listening practice

N2 listening practice lesson 37

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N2 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N2 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N2 listening section. Let’s start with the lesson: N2 listening practice lesson 37

N2 listening practice lesson 37

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

N2 listening practice lesson 37

Please click on the video below to start listening

N2 listening practice lesson 37 – Tapescript


店内放送 : 毎度ご来店くださいまして、誠にありがとうございます。お客様に、お呼び出しを申し上げます。杉並区からお越しの木下様、おばあさまがお待ちですので、新館7階、書籍売り場まで、お越しくださいませ。






Vocabulary :

誠に(まことに) : indeed, really

書籍(しょせき) : book

Translation for Reference :

In-store broadcasting is being broadcasted at a department store. Where is Mr. Kinoshita’s grandmother waiting?

In-store broadcasting: Thank you very much visiting us every time. I would like to call a customer. Mr. Kinoshita, who comes from Suginami, your grandmother is waiting for you, so please come to the book counter on the 7th floor of the new building.

Where is Mr. Kinoshita’s grandmother waiting?

1.The book counter of the new building

2.The book counter of the main building

3.The futon counter of the new building

4.The futon counter of the main building

Instruction to practice:

Exercise format:  Find the right information

In order to understand and do this form of exercise effectively, you can apply the following steps:

In this basic form of listening, there are many synonyms relating to the place where Mr. Kinoshita’s grandmother is waiting. Therefore, we must know both the vocabulary and keyword.

We need to focus on the following keywords : 新館7階 (on the 7th floor of the new building)、書籍売り場 (the book counter).

So the correct answer is: 1.新館の本の売り場

Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N2 listening practices at category : N2 Listening practice.

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