n2 listening practice

N2 listening practice lesson 24

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N2 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N2 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N2 listening section. Let’s start with the lesson: practice N2 listening lesson 24

N2 listening practice lesson 24

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

N2 listening practice lesson 24

Please click on the video below to start listening

N2 listening practice lesson 24 – Tapescript:


女 : 伊藤様の携帯電話でしょうか。ドコデモショップ駅前店の高橋です。先日お預かりしましたお客様の携帯電話の件ですが、お調べしましたところ、こちらの機種の部品は、もうお取り扱いしていないため、修理ができないことがわかりました。機種変更など、ご相談を承りますので、ご都合のよろしいときに、お貸し出ししました携帯電話をご持参の上、当店までおいでください。






Vocabulary :

機種の部品(きしゅのぶひん) : model parts

取り扱いする(とりあつかいする) : to handle

持参(じさん) : bringing, taking

貸し出し(かしだし) : lending, loaning

Translation for Reference :

A person is listening to an answering machine. What should the person who heard the message do?

Woman : Is is Mr. Ito’s phone number? I’m Takahashi from the Dokodemo store in front of the station. As for the case of your phone I received a few days ago, after checking, I found that our model parts no longer handle your phone, so I can not repair it. We need to discuss more about changing the model, please bring the mobile phone that I lent you to the store when it’s convenient.

What should the person who heard the message do?

1.Go to the store at convenient time

2.Go to the store to pay repair fee

3.Go to the store to change the address

4.Wait for the store to contact you

Instruction to practice:

Exercise format:  Prediction

In order to understand and do this form of exercise effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question :

The situation taking place here is:


A person is listening to an answering machine.

=> The topic relates to schedule, notice of change,…

The question is :


What should the person who heard the message do?

2. Note the main ideas:

According to the topic, you should focus on important key words relating to schedule, notice of change,…

お預かりました : received

機種の部品 : model parts

もう取り扱いしていない : no longer handle

修理ができません : can not repair

相談を承ります : need to discuss

当店までおいでください : Please come to the store

3. Choosing the answer:

The customer sent his/her mobile phone to the store for repairing [お預かりしましたお客様の携帯電話の件], but the people of the store said [修理ができません]  (I can’t repair it) because the store’s model parts no longer handle customer’s mobile  phone. So he told the customer to come to the store [当店までおいでください] (Please come to the store)

So we choose answer 1. Go to the store at a convenient time

Above is the content of N2 listening practice lesson 24. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N2 listening practices at category : N2 Listening practice.

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