n2 listening practice

N2 listening practice lesson 2

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N2 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N2 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N2 listening section. Let’s start with lesson: practice N2 listening lesson 2

N2 listening practice lesson 2

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise as usual. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and struction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

N2 listening practice lesson 2

Please click on the video below to start listening

N2 listening practice lesson 2 – Tapescript













  1. 教科書を探す
  2. 電車の中で勉強する
  3. プリンターを修理に出す
  4. 単語のリストをコピーする

Difficult vocabulary in the lesson:

調子がいいんだから : No problem

Translation for Reference :

At the university, male students and female students are talking to each other. From now on, what will a male student do?

Female: Have you studied for the test?

Male: Not at all. I have to find my textbook first.

Female: Oh, have you lost it?

Male: No, I think it’s somewhere in the room.

Female: You have to look for it properly. This is only some important words, but I made a list. Here, this. Shall I send it by e-mail?

Male: an: Yeah … Thank you … but …the printer is broken now. I have to fix it …. Can you give me this?

Female: What? I can’t.  Because I will study when on the way back home by train.

Male: Well…let me copy it. I will borrow it for a moment.

Female: Oh, No problem.

Question: From now on, what will a male student do?

  1. Look for textbooks
  2. Study on the train
  3. Send the printer for repair
  4. Copy the list of words

Instruction to practice:

Type of lesson:  Order of action.

In order to understand and make this type of lesson effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question:

First of all, you need to understand what the situation, the story there is?


At the university, male students and female students are talking to each other.

=> Subject: It can relate to learning.

The question is :


From now on, what will a male student do?

=> With this type of lesson, you need to focus on noting the action of the male student and the order of each action.

2. Note the main ideas:

Based on the topic and the question, you need to catch the key words about male’s actions

教科書、探さないと  :  have to find book

これ、くれない? : give me this ?

コピーさせて : let me copy

ちょっと借りるよ : borrow it for a moment.

3. Choosing the answer:

Answer:  4. 単語のリストをコピーする

Basing on the key words we have, we proceed with the analysis as follows:

First, we immediately eliminate the answer No. 2 because it is the action of the female.

The remaining 3 answers all refer to your 3 male”s actions. We need to pay attention to the order of actions: look for textbook ( 教科書、探さないと )  and repair printer ( 直してもらわないといけないんだけど ) all mentioned without specific clarifications about when to do.

Borrowing copy of the vocabulary list (コピーさせて。ちょっと借りるよ)is  placed in the situation that the female friend cannot give this list ( これはだめ) because she needs to study on the train ( 帰りの電車の中でも勉強するんだから). Therefore it has a higher priority than the other two actions=> Answer 4. 単語のリストをコピーする

Above is the content of N2 listening practice lesson 2. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N2 listening practices at category: N2 listening practice

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