the JLPT Test

The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

Cấu trúc đề thi năng lực tiếng Nhật N2The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section (cont.)

After you have finished the Language knowledge section, you will be given a 30 minute break before heading to the Listening comprehension section

2.Listening comprehension

In N2 JLPT structure, Listening comprehension consists of 33.3% the score (60), time frame: 50 minutes.

Listening comprehension is divided into 5 segments:

2.1 Listening comprehension with contexts

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, with summary (able to grasp the necessary information, understand and know what to do next)

– Number of questions: About 5.

For example:


2.2 : Listen to get the main point

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, with sumary (given the concept, required to get the information after having done the listening)

– Number of questions: About 6.

For example:


2.3. Listen for gist

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, with sumary (assessing the ability to grasp the gist of dialogue)

– Number of questions: About 5.

For example:


2.4. Responsive Listening Comprehension

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, choose the right answer to the question.

– Number of questions: About 12. (as being at level N2 requires to have rather good communication skill, hence many questions).

For example:


2.5. General comprehension

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a rather long dialogue, hence  compare the information.

– Number of questions: About 4.

For example:


Above is everything about the N2 JLPT’s structure, you can find more about the JLPT, download tests, excercise Japanese vocabulary right in this page: JLPT Practice. LearnJapanesedaily hopes you can understand more about the N2 JLPT’s structure to build your own practice plan.

Wish you all the luck on your practice and the real N2 JLPT!

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2 thoughts on “The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

  • Meryll Amistoso

    It doesn’t say how many passages or passages per question. Some reading parts of the exam, there are 3 questions for each passage (which i am trying to look for but taking a long time to find) but this feels like there’s 1 question for each passage which is inaccurate. Would be helpful to include this.

    • Learn Japanese daily

      as you said, some reading parts especially long ones have more than one questions.


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