the JLPT Test

The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

Jlpt N2

The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section (cont.) – Long passage reading comprehension

1.3.4. Long passage reading comprehension

– Goal: Assessing the ability to comprehend a long passage, about 900 words (reasoned out rather clearly), able to grasp the big picture and the author’s train of thought.

– Number of question: About 3.

For example:

Cấu trúc đề thi năng lực tiếng Nhật N2

1.3.5. Seek information

– Goal: Assessing the ability to find information from a document (about 700 words) from advertisment, flyers, business news..

– Number of question: About 2.

For example: 


–> To be continued (page 5)

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2 thoughts on “The N2 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

  • Meryll Amistoso

    It doesn’t say how many passages or passages per question. Some reading parts of the exam, there are 3 questions for each passage (which i am trying to look for but taking a long time to find) but this feels like there’s 1 question for each passage which is inaccurate. Would be helpful to include this.

    • Learn Japanese daily

      as you said, some reading parts especially long ones have more than one questions.


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