n2 listening practice

N2 listening practice lesson 17

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N2 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N2 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N2 listening section. Let’s start with the lesson: practice N2 listening lesson 17

N2 listening practice lesson 17

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

N2 listening practice lesson 17

Please click on the video below to start listening

N2 listening practice lesson 17 – Tapescript:




1. お客さんの靴

2. お客さん用のスリッパ

3. お客さん用のおはし

4. お客さん用の歯ブラシ

Translation for Reference :

A mother is talking to her child. What is the child tidying up?

Mother: Oh, these are not for guests. I bought the others a few days ago. Here they are. Tidy them up properly to make it easy to wear.

Question: What is the child tidying up?

  1. Shoes of the guests
  2. Slippers for guests
  3. Chopsticks for guests
  4. Toothbrush for guests

Instruction to practice:

In order to understand and do this form of exercise effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question :

The situation taking place here is:


A mother is talking to her child.

The question is:


What is the child tidying up?

2. Note the main ideas:

In this form of listening, you need to focus on important key words to catch the topic of the story.

お客さん用 (おきゃくさんよう)for guests

この間(このあいだ)a few days ago

はきやすい: to be easy to wear

3. Choosing the answer:

Answer: 2.お客さん用のスリッパ

+ The mother said that [はきやすいようにちゃんとそろえてね] (Tidy them up properly to make it easy to wear). With the verb はく(to wear), it means to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing or footwear. So we can easily eliminate answer 3 and answer 4.

+ The mother also said that [これ、お客さん用のじゃないわよ] (These are not for guests) and [これ、はきやすいようにちゃんとそろえてね] (Tidy them up properly to make it easy to wear). In this situation, we can imagine that the child took the wrong thing, so the mother gave her the others. Therefore, what the child needs to tidy up are things for the guests, not something belonging to the guests.

So the correct answer is : answer 2. Slippers for guests

Above is the content of N2 listening practice lesson 17. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N2 listening practices at category : N2 Listening practice.

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