n2 listening practice

N2 listening practice lesson 15

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N2 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N2 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N2 listening section. Let’s start with the lesson: practice N2 listening lesson 15

N2 listening practice lesson 15

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

N2 listening practice lesson 15

Please click on the video below to start listening

N2 listening practice lesson 15 – Tapescript:



















Vocabulary :

会計係(かいけいがかり): accountant

くじ引き(くじひき): lottery, drawn lot

名簿(めいぼ): register of names, list of names, roll

公平(こうへい):  fairness, justice

Translation for Reference :

Three students are talking about the group’s accountant. 

Woman 1: We have to decide a new accountant.

Woman 2: Yeah, how do we decide?

Man: Shouldn’t it be good to leave it to someone who wants to do?

Woman 1: Someone who wants to do, I wonder if there is such a person. Because it’s a tough job.

Woman 2: That’s right, how about drawing lots?

Man: Eh! If I am chosen, I will be in trouble.

Woman 2: That’s right, we can’t leave it to Ueda.

Woman 1: We decided with a list of names before, didn’t we? But after Ms. Ito was chosen, everyone always told me that she would do it… After all, isn’t it better to decide with a list of names?

Woman 2: That’s right… It might be the fairest.

Woman 1: Is it?

Man: Hey,  I’m next to Ms. Ito…

Woman 1, 2: Hahaha. Do your best!

Question: How do they decide the next accountant?

1. Leave it to someone who wants to do

2. They will decide by drawing lots

3. They will decide with a list of names

4. No particular decision

Instruction to practice:

Exercise format: Consensus

In order to understand and do this form of exercise effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question :

The situation taking place here is:


Three students are talking about the group’s accountant.

The question is:


How do they decide the next accountant?

2. Note the main ideas:

You need to note down the important key words that relating to the topic of the talking, each person’s idea and the opinion of others about that idea (to agree/to object).

やりたい人  ->  そんな人いるかなあ ?

くじ引き -> もしおれになったら困るよ

名簿順 -> 一番公平

3. Choosing the answer:

Answer:  3. 名簿の順番で決める

The first idea is to leave someone who wants to become the next accountant (やりたい人にやってもらう). Then the woman said [そんな人いるかなあ。大変な仕事だし] (I wonder if there is such a person. Because it’s a tough job.)

The next idea is to draw lots (くじ引き). Then the man said [もしおれになったら困るよ] (If I am chosen, I will be in trouble.)

The next idea is to decide with a list of names (名簿順). This idea was agreed by the other woman (she said that: それが一番公平かも (It might be the fairest.)

So we choose answer  3. They will decide with a list of names 

Above is the content of N2 listening practice lesson 15. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N2 listening practices at category : N2 Listening practice.

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