learn to read Japanese newspaper

Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Space science

In the following post of the section: Learn to read Japanese newspaper, we will Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Space science – the area that is mysterious and hidden countless wonders.


In order to read Japanese articles on the topic: Space science, you can go to Japanese online newspapers such as: Yahoo News, NHK News, National Geographic… and select category 宇宙科学 (Uchuu kagaku – Space science).

Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Space science

How to practice reading: just like the previous posts, you should skim the article to get the main idea first, then note down the unknown words and unknown sentences and look up the dictionary to clarify the meaning of each sentence. With the grammar structures that you have not learned yet, skip it to avoid disturbing knowledge.

Vocabulary on space science in Japanese newspapers

地球の地殻 (Chikyuu no chikaku) : Earth core

宇宙 (Uchuu) : Universe, cosmos, space

探査機 (Tansaki) : Spacecraft, spaceship

銀河 (Ginga) : Milky Way, Galaxy

惑星 (Wakusei) : Planet

太陽系 (Taiyoukei) : Solar system

ブルームーン (Buruu muun) : Blue moon

皆既月食 (Kaigigesshoku) : Total lunar eclipse

望遠鏡 (Bouenkyou) : Telescope

衛星 (Eisei) : Satellite

人工衛星 (Jinkou eisei) : Satellite, man-made satellite

軌道 (Kidou) : Orbit

ロケット発射場 (Roketto hasshaba) : Rocket launch site

天体観測 (Tentai kansoku) : Astronomical observation

天文学者 (Tenbungakusha) : Astronomer

発見する (Hakken suru) : Discover

探査機を着陸する (Tansaki wo chakuriku suru) : Land the spacecraft

輝く (Kagayaku) : Shine

Some Grammar structures found in category: space science in Japanese newspapers

Sentence 1

A な, Aい, Nの/である, V- casual + ため : Because…


Chikyuu kara tiigaaden boshi made no kyori wa torapisuto 1 kei made no san pun no 1 shika nai tame, yori kenkyuu shi yasui to ieru.

Since the distance from Earth to Teegarden’s Star is only one third of the distance to Trappist-1, it can be said that it is easier to conduct research.

Sentence 2

A, N, V- casual + といっても : Although…


Hoshi to itte mo, dousha ga keikaku suru kyodai tsuushin eiseimou “sutaarinku” no jinkou eisei ga hansha suru hikarida.

Although it is called a star, it is actually light reflected by the satellite of Starlink, a giant satellite network planned by the company.

Sentence 3

V- casual, Nの, Aな/だった, Aい+ おかげだ : Thanks to…


Watashitachi no gingakeide wa kousei yori mo wakusei no kata ga kazu ga ooi to wakatta no mo, kepuraa no okageda.

Thanks to Kepler, we know that there are more planets than fixed stars in our galaxy.

Note: Fixed stars are self-luminous stars and their position is relatively stable.

Sentence 4

いずれも : both, either

今回の発見は2つの論文にまとめられ、いずれも学術誌「Astronomy and Astrophysics」で発表された。

Konkai no hakken wa futatsu no ronbun ni matome rare, izuremo gakujutsushi “Astronomy ando Astrophysics” de happyousareta.

This discovery was combined into two dissertations and both were published in the academic journal 「Astronomy and Astrophysics」.

Sentence 5

N + によって : By…


Nankyoku no umi kara katei no reitouko made, chikyuujou ni aru koori wa hobo onaji taipudaga, tooku hanareta wakuseide wa kyokutanna ondo to atsuryoku ni yotte, kimyou de tayouna koori ga keiseisarete iru.

The ice from the Antarctic sea to the ice from refrigerator in every family is almost the same type, but on distant planets, extreme temperatures and pressures create strange and diverse ice.

Practice reading Japanese newspaper on space science

Let’s practice reading news on space science on National Geographic!



Seimei ga sonzai dekisouna ichiban chikai keigai wakusei ga mitsukaru

Discovering the closest exoplanet where life can exist.



Chikyuu no chikaku ni chikyuu saizu no keigaiwakusei ga mitsukatta.

An Earth-sized exoplanet was found near the Earth.


Kono wakusei wa, seimei ni yasashii “shizukana” kousei no mawari wo mawatte ori, seimei ga sonzai dekiru kanousei no aru keigai wakusei to shite wa, chikyuu kara mottomo chikai tokoro ni aru.

This planet is a life-friendly planet that orbits a “static” star and is the closest extraterrestrial planet from the Earth where life can potentially exist.


Chikyuu kara wazuka 11 kounen no tokoro ni aru wakusei rosu 128 b wa, akairo waisei to yoba reru chiisaku usugurai kousei rosu 128 no mawari wo mawatte iru.

The planet Ross 128b, which is only 11 light-years away from Earth, orbits around the dim and small star Ross 128 called red dwarf.


Akairo waisei wa doko ni demo aru heibon na kousei de, gingakei no kōsei no yaku 70 paasento wo shimete iru.

Red dwarfs are ordinary stars that are everywhere and accounts for about 70% of stars in the galaxy.


Watashitachi no sugu chikaku ni aru kousei no hotondo ga akairo waiseida.

Most stars near us are red dwarfs.


Taiyoukei kara mottomo chikai chikyuu saizu no wakusei wa, 4. 25 kounen saki no akairo waisei purokishima kentauri no mawari wo mawaru purokishima b da.

The closest Earth-sized planet from the solar system is the Proxima b, which orbits around the Proxima Centauri – a red dwarf that is 4.25 light-years ahead.


Shikashi, kono taipu no kousei no baai, wakakute kousoku jiten shite iru aida wa, tokidoki kyouretsuna furea wo hasseisasete, chikaku ni aru wakusei wo itametsukeru.

However, in the case of this young, rotating at high speed star, sometimes it will give off intense flare and cause damage to nearby planets.


Purokishima kentauri wa yaku 50 oku sai to mada wakai tame, totsuzen no hageshii housha ni sarasa reru purokishima b no hyoumen wa mada seimei ga sonzai dekiru youna kankyoude wanaidarou.

Because Proxima Centauri is still young, about 5 billion years old, the surface of Proxima b, which exposing to the abrupt intense radiation, is probably not yet an environment where life can exist.


Ippou, Rosu 128 wa 70 oku sai to seijuku shite ite, jiten mo kanari osoku natte iru tame, rosu 128 b no hyoumen ni wa seimei ni yasashii hikari ga furisosoide iru to kangae rareru.

On the other hand, Ross 128 is 7 billion years old, the speed of its rotation is also slower, so the surface of Ross 128b is considered as a planet that have life-friendly light source.

Above is the content of the article : Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Space Science. See you next time!

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