Japanese にかこつけて grammar nikakotsukete

Japanese にかこつけて grammar nikakotsukete :
Japanese にかこつけて grammar nikakotsukete
JLPT level : N1
Formation :
Meaning and how to use :
Expresses the meaning “Use… as an excuse,…”
1. 彼女は母が重い病気になることにかこつけて、会社を一週間休んだ。
Kanojo ha haha ga omoi byouki ni naru koto ni kakotsuke te, kaisha o ichi shuukan yasun da.
She used the excuse her mother was sick to have the whole week off work.
2. 急用があることにかこつけて、あの人は勝手に予定をキャンセルした。
Kyuuyou ga aru koto ni kakotsuke te, ano hito ha katte ni yotei o kyanseru shi ta.
He used the excuse of having urgen things to do so he canceled the plan.
3. 電車が遅れたことにかこつけて、山田さんは私に待たさせた。
Densha ga okure ta koto ni kakotsuke te, yamada san ha watashi ni matasase ta.
Using the excuse that the train was being delayyed, Mr. Yamada made me wait.
4. 雰囲気が悪いことにかこつけて、客が何も言わずに帰った。
Funiki ga warui koto ni kakotsuke te, kyaku ga nani mo iwa zu ni kaetta.
Using the excuse that the weather is turning bad, the client went home without saying anything.
5. 仕事が忙しいことにかこつけて、彼は故郷から来た両親に会いに来ません。
Shigoto ga isogashii koto ni kakotsuke te, kare ha kokyou kara ki ta ryoushin ni ai ni ki mase n.
Using busy works as an excuse, he didn’t see his parents who were coming visit him from his hometown.
Related structures :
Ref : tuhoconline
above is Japanese にかこつけて grammar nikakotsukete. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
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