Japanese grammar dictionary

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Let’s learn Japanese ような grammar youna :

Japanese ような grammar youna

Formation :

Meaning and how to use :

Expressing two things with similar characteristics. Often translated as “like …”.


1. ここで7月の真ん中なのに私は涼しく秋のような日を送っています。
Koko de shichigatsu no mannakananoni watashi wa suzushiku aki no youna hi wo okutte imasu.
Here even though it is mid-July, I am enjoying cool days like autumn.

2. あの人は田中さんのような顔があります。
Ano hito wa Tanakasan no youna kao ga arimasu.
He has the same face as Mr. Tanaka.

3. 山田さんのようなハンサムな人が理想の恋人ですね。
Yamadasan no youna hansamuna hito ga risou no koibitodesu ne.
A handsome person as Mr. Yamada is the ideal type of lover.

4. このパソコンのような性能がいいパソコンを買いたいです。
Kono pasokon no youna seinou ga ii pasokon wo kaitaidesu.
I want to buy a laptop with good features like this.

5. 日本人のようなアクセントがあると評判された。
Nihonjin no youna akusento ga aru to hyoubansareta.
I was judged for having an accent like the Japanese.

Ref : tuhoconline

Above is Japanese ような grammar youna. If you don’t understand the signs we used in formation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.

You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary

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