jlpt N3 listening practice

N3 listening practice lesson 9

Hello everyone ! In this series, Learn Japanese daily will introduce to you the N3 listening exercises, with the aim of supporting  who are studying N3 exam to listen better and get better grades in the N3 listening section. Let’s start with the first lesson: practice N3 listening lesson 9

N3 listening practise lesson 9

How to practice listening

First, listen and do exercise. After listening and choosing the answer, you can read the translation and the instruction below for reference.

In addition, you can apply the way of taking this listening test for similar types of exercises.

Video for N3 listening practice lesson 9

Please click on the video below to start listening

N3 listening practice lesson 9 – Tapescript:










Translation for Reference :

In the company, the man and the woman are talking. Why does the woman walk to the company?

The man: Did you move to a convenient place?

The woman: Yeah, it’s an apartment in front of the station, so it’s really convenient for shopping.

The man: In front of the station? That’s great. It takes me 20 minutes to get to the station.

The woman: But I don’t get on the train too much. Recently, I’ve been walking to work.

The man: What? Is this for your health?

The woman: No. Because the station is deep under the ground, it takes time to get on the train. And you have to ride many escalators until you get out here too, right? There are 2 stations to get to the company, so the time for walking is not so different.

The man: Oh, I see. Surely the Tokyo station is really deep in the ground.

Why does the woman walk to the company?

Instruction to practice:

In order to understand and make this type of lesson effectively, you can apply the following steps:

1. Catch the topic and the question :

The situation taking place here is:


In the company, a man and a woman are talking. Why does the woman walk to the company?

The question is:


Why does the woman walk to the company?

2. Note the main ideas:

In this form of listening, you should pay attention to the words that describe the action of walking to the company. And you should also focus on noting the key words refer to the reason for that action.

After listening, we have some key words as follows:


地下深い(がちかふかい)deep under the ground

時間がかかる(じかんがかかる)to take time

エスカレーター escalator

2駅(ふたえき)2 nhà ga

時間が変わらない(じかんがかわらない): the time is not so different

3. Choosing the answer:

According to what we have noted, we can predict:

+ The woman only said that the new apartment was convenient for shopping (買い物なんかにも本当に便利) => Answer 1 is not true

+ The woman said it was not for her health when the man ask (そうじゃない) => Answer 3 is not true

+ The shopping (買い物) is not the reason for walking to the company => Answer 4 is not true

+ The woman said that the time for walking is not so different (from the time going by train) (歩くのもそんなに時間が変わらない). The reasons are that the station is deep under the ground, (地下深い), riding many escalators (エスカレーター),  and there are 2 stations to get to the company (2駅).

So we choose answer 2. 電車で来るのと時間が変わらないから。

Above is the content of N3 listening practice lesson 9. Hope you can improve your listening ability effectively. See more similar N3 listening practices at category : JLPT N3 Listening practice.

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