Japanese ばかりの grammar bakarino

Let’s learn Japanese ばかりの grammar bakarino :
Formation :
Meaning and how to use :
Describe high level comparision. Means “be believed to…” “as if..”
For example
Dare demo aisuru bakari no utsukushi sa.
The beauty that seem to be loved by everyone
kono ko ha ichiban kawaii bakari no me ga ari masu.
That child has the eyes that seem to be the cutest
kanojo ha shinu bakari no yousu o suru.
She acted as if she were going to die.
haru no keshiki ha kagayaku bakari no utsukushi sa da.
The scenery of spring is so beautiful.
kare ha sekai de doko demo iku bakari no ryokou keiken ga aru
He has many travel experiences and is said to have travel all around the world.
Note: usually used in written language, stories. Many cases is idiomatic
Related structures :
ばかりいる bakariiru
ばかりで bakaride
ばかりだ bakarida
ばかりの bakarino
んばかり nbakari
ばかりに bakarini
ばかりもいられない bakarimoirarenai
とばかりはいえない tobakarihaienai
とばかりおもっていた tobakariomotteita
とばかりに tobakarini
ばかりか bakarika
ばかりでなく…も bakaridenaku…mo
above is Japanese ばかりの grammar bakarino. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary