Japanese 一体(いったい) grammar ittai

Let’s learn Japanese 一体(いったい) grammar ittai :
JLPT level : N3
Formation :
いったい+quesion word
Meaning and how to use :
Describe wondering, unsure mooth in questions.
For example
Kanojo ha ima ittai doko de sun de iru ka na.
I do wonder where she’s living now.
kare ha ittai nani o itta ka. Kimi o sonnani okoraseru nante.
I do wonder what he said that make you so angry.
watashi ha ittaizentai nani ni ka warui koto o shi ta no ka, zenzen wakara nai.
I absolutely don’t know what i did wrong.
anta ha watashi no koto ittai nani o nusumikii ta ka. Himitsu o shinasai.
I don’t know what you heard. please keep secret.
ittai ano hito ha dare dano yo. Shizen ni boku no heya ni haittari, mono o motte ittari shi masu.
I wonder who that man is. He went into my room without requesting and brought my furniture out.
Related structures :
ことだ kotoda
ことか kotoka
ことがある kotogaaru
ということ toiukoto
Japanese grammar ことうけあいだ kotoukeaida
ことができる kotogadekiru (N4)
ことこのうえない kotokonouenai, koto konouenai
above is Japanese 一体(いったい) grammar ittai. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary