Japanese ところが grammar tokoroga

Let’s learn Japanese ところが grammar tokoroga :
JLPT level : N3
Formation :
sentence + ところが
Meaning and how to use :
Describe an unexpected situation
For example
Kyou ha ame to omotte i masu. Tokoroga, hare masu.
I thought I was gonna rain, yet it was sunny
musume ha daigaku ni goukaku suru to shinji te i masu. Tokoroga, fu goukaku da.
I believed that my daughter could pass the university’s entrance exam, yet she failed
kanojo ha totemo kirei da to omotte i masu. Tokoroga, tada futsuu no onna no hito da.
I thought she is very beautifull, but she’s just normal
2. Describe an event couldn’t have happened.
tomodachi ha asobi ni iku koto o yakusoku shi masu. Tokoroga, karera ha katte ni yabure te shimatta.
My friends promise to go out (for playing with me). But they broke the promise at their own will.
musume ni ai ni itta. Tokoroga, ie ni i nai.
I went to see my daughter. But she was not at home.
kaigi ga ichi zero ji made owaru to iware te i masu. Tokoroga, ichi ichi ji made ori mashi ta
The meeting was said to end at 10am. but In fact it ended at 11am
Note: ところが can not replace the meaning of 「が」、「けど」、..
Related structures :
ところだった tokorodatta
ところで tokoro de, tokorode
ところを tokoro wo, tokorowo
ところに tokoro ni, tokoroni
ところだが tokoroda ga, tokorodaga
ところだ tokoroda, tokoro da.
above is Japanese ところが grammar tokoroga. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary