Japanese たりして grammar tarishite

Let’s learn Japanese たりして grammar tarishite :
Japanese たりして grammar tarishite
Formation :
V た+りして
Meaning and how to use :
The structure describes an example and it also implies that there is something more. It is used when we avoid directly aim at the object. This way of expressing is sportiveness.
For example
Ei: ‘o mizu ikaga desu ka’
bī: ‘kōhī dattari shi te’
A: “Would you like to drink water?”
B: “how about something like coffee?”
ei: ‘ima, koko kara gakkou made arui tara chikoku desu yo’
bī: ‘takushi de okonattari shi te’
A: “If we walk to school nơ, we can be late.”
B: “what about calling a cab?”
sonna koto nai yo. Joudan dattari shi te.
It can not happen. Maybe it is just a joke.
ei: ‘sono koto ha kii ta koto nai yo.’
bī: ‘dakara minna ha kimi ga kyokugai sha da to omou node hanashi shi nai to kime tari shi te ne.’
A: “I haven’t ever heard about such thing”
B: “Maybe everyone sees you as a bystander, so they don’t tell you.”
ei: ‘doshi te kyou ha dare mo i nai no.’
bī: ‘kyou ha yasumi no hi dattari shi te.
A: “Why isn’t anyone here?”
B: “Today can be a day off”
Related structures :
たり~たり tari~tari
たりしたら tarishitara
たりして tarishite
たりしては tarishiteha
Ref : tuhoconline
above is Japanese たりして grammar tarishite. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
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