Japanese さえ grammar sae

Let’s learn Japanese さえ grammar sae :
Japanese さえ grammar sae
JLPT level : N3
Formation :
N + さえ
Question word + さえ
Meaning : Express that an event/case that will occur for sure, but in fact, it does not occur.
Note : After the sentence’s subject, it is used in the form 「でさえ」. It can be replaced by「も」
Japanese さえ grammar sae
Example :
A : “Kono hon ha meccha muzukashii! Taitoru sae wakaranai yo.”
B : “Yappari, tetsugaku no hon dakara…”
A : “This book is really difficult! I don’t even understand its title.”
B : “After all, it’s a philosophy book…”
Kono kikai no shurui sae shiranai yo. Mochiron tsukaikata nante oshierarenai darou.
I don’t even know the type of this machine. Of course I can’t teach you how to use it.
A : “Kimi ha e wo kaku koto ga umai to iwareta ne.”
B : “Umai dokoro ka, enpitsu no tadashii mochikata sae wakaranai yo.”
A : “It is said that you are good at drawing.”
B : “Far from being good at it. I don’t even know how to hold a pencil correctly.”
Douryou to issho ni karaoke ni iku dokoro ka, koutsuuhi sae tarinai yo.
Far from going to karaoke with my colleagues, I don’t even have enough traveling expense.
Ishida san ha nihonjin na noni, “yama” toiu kanji sae yomenai nante…
Mr. Ishida is Japanese but he can’t even read the kanji character “Yama”….
Furansu go no ronbun dokoro ka, hatsuon sae yoku mi ni tsuke masen.
Far from writing an essay in French, I can’t even learn the pronunciation well.
A : “Ano hito ha jibun no namae sae oboerare nakute, hen na hito jan.”
B : “Teinou na hito darou.”
A : “That person can’t even remember his name, what a strange person.”
B : “Maybe he is an incompetent person.”
Japanese さえ grammar sae
Sore ha kodomo sae wakaru hanashi desu. Omae ha wakaranai to ittara, wakari takunai deshou.
That is a story that even children can understand. If you say you don’t understand, it is because you don’t want to.
Anna kudadarai yatsu sae koibito ga imasu.
Even such a trashy guy has a lover.
Tanaka san ha ryuuto kashu no fan da to itta noni, aidoru no seinengappi sae shiranai.
Mr. Tanaka said that he was a fan of singer Ryuto, but he doesn’t even know his idol’s birthday.
Chichi ha ryouri ga mazukute, gohan wo tataku koto sae dekinai.
My father is so bad at cooking that he can’t even cook rice.
Musuko ha shinpun wo katta ga, me ni deta nyu-su sae yomanakute chokusetsu ni mannaka no pe-ji wo mekutta.
My son bought a newspaper, but he directly turned over the middle page without even reading the news he saw.
Ano hito hay yappari yuumei na hito da. Shisei sae kirei da.
As expected, she is a famous person. Even her posture is beautiful.
Kongetsu no kyuuryou ga mada moraenai node, ima nomimono sae kaenai.
Because I haven’t got this month’s salary yet, I can’t even buy a drink.
Sofu ha watashi ga umareta maeni nakunatta node, kao sae shiranai.
My uncle died before I was born, so I don’t even know his face.
Japanese さえ grammar sae
Usage 2 : さえ…たら/…ば
Vます(remove ます)したら/すれば
Question word …かさえ…たら/ば
Meaning : Describe the meaning “if only ~ then/ as long as…”
Japanese さえ grammar sae
Example :
Kono hon sae yomeba ronbun ga kake masu yo.
You can write an essay if you read this book.
Tenki sae yokereba boku tachi no puran ha hanbun seikou suru toiu koto da yo.
If the weather is nice, our plan will be half successful.
Kinben ni benkyou shite sae sureba kono shiken de zehi takai ten wo toreru yo.
You can definitely get a high score in this exam as long as you study hard.
Shitte sae ireba konna baai nimo ochiiri masen deshita.
If I had known it, I wouldn’t have fallen into this situation.
Okane ga takusan atte sureba, yume wo kanaeru deshou.
If you had a lot of money, you could make your dream come true.
A : “Ima shinitakute tamaran ne…”
B : “Sonna koto made iu na. Ikite sae ireba naniyori da.”
A : “I really want to die now…”
B : “Don’t say that. It is best to be alive.”
Japanese さえ grammar sae
Ame sae furanakereba, ashita tozan ni ikimasu.
If it doesn’t rain, I will go climbing tomorrow.
Kimi sae ireba boku ha nan demo iranu.
As long as I have you, I don’t need anything.
Ano ko ha hima sae areba, hon wo yonde kangae te imasu.
If she has time, she will read a book and think about it.
Kono mondai sae kaiketsu sureba, ato ha konnan ni naranai.
As long as this problem is solved, everything left won’t be any trouble.
Raishuu zangyou sae nakereba, omae to isshoni dokodemo ikemasu yo.
If I don’t work overtime next week, I can go anywhere with you.
A : “Jikan sae areba, motto ii houhou wo dasemasu kedo…”
B : “Ja, sukoshi na jikan wo agemasu yo. Ni jikan gurai ii kanaa.”
A : “If I have time, I can come up with a better method…”
B : “I will give you a little bit more time. How about two hours?”
Sore sae nakereba, watashi tachi ha shigoto wo junchou ni susume masu.
As long as we don’t do that, we will work well.
Related structures :
でさえ desae
さえ…ば sae…ba
さえ…たら sae..tara
Ref : tuhoconline
above is Japanese さえ grammar sae. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
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