Japanese grammar dictionary

Japanese に足る grammar にたる nitaru
Japanese に足る grammar にたる nitaru

Let’s learn Japanese に足る grammar にたる nitaru :

Japanese に足る grammar にたる nitaru

JLPT level : N1

Formation :


Meaning and how to use :

Expresses the meaning “worth doing/to do something” or “have the condition to do something”. This structure only goes with some limited verbs.


1. 彼女は優しくて、親切だ。友達になるに足る人です。
Kanojo ha yasashiku te, shinsetsu da. Tomodachi ni naru ni taru hito desu.
She’s kind and nice. She’s worth to be friend.

2. 高橋さんは信頼するに足る人ですよ。彼と秘密を話してもいいです。
Takahashi san ha shinrai suru ni taru hito desu yo. Kare to himitsu o hanashi te mo ii desu.
Mr. Takahashi is totally a trustable person. You can tell secrets to him.

3. 国家大学での理系のいろいろな心がけがあるから、野原先生は尊敬するに足る先生です。
Kokka daigaku de no rikei no iroiro na kokorogake ga aru kara, nohara sensei ha sonkei suru ni taru sensei desu.
Due to his contributions to the teaching of physics in the National College, Mr. Nohara is worth being a respectable teacher.

4. 最近のニュースはくだらない情報だらけです。討論するに足る情報はない。
Saikin no nyusu ha kudaranai jouhou darake desu. Touron suru ni taru jouhou ha nai.
The recent news are worthless. There’s not one that is worth discussing about.

Sonnani chiisai jiken nara kanshin suru ni taru ji ke n de ha nai.
For small event like this isn’t worth caring.

Note: Used in formal writings.

Ref : tuhoconline

above is Japanese に足る grammar にたる nitaru. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.

You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary

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