Janapanese for beginers

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 15

3. Grammar


Meaning: It’s okay to do something

Usage: to tell someone that they are allowed to do something


Shashin o tottemoiidesu.
It is okay to take photograph.

When we want to ask someone for permission, we add “か” at the end of the sentence. Moreover, in order to tell someone that they are allowed to do something, we can use: “Vても かまいません:It doesn’t matter if…; It’s ok to do sth…”


A: すみませんが、タバコをすってもいいですか。
Sumimasen ga, tabako o suttemo iidesuka?
Excuse me, can I smoke?
B: はい、どうぞ。
Hai, douzo.
Yes, please.


Meaning : mustn’t do something

Usage : To tell someone that they are not allowed to do something
* [は ] is read as [わ]

Example :

ここでたばこをすっては いけません
Koko de tabago o sutte wa ikemasen.
You mustn’t smoke here.

Soto ni gomi o sutete wa ikemasen.

You mustn’t throw the trash outside.

If it is a question, we will answer the same as the example below:
Example :

せんせい 、ここ で あそんで も いい です か?
Teacher, can we play here?

Yes, you can.

No, you mustn’t.


Usage : Use to say about a state (result of an action) that is still happening at present.

Example :
Watashi wa kekkonshite imasu.
I’m married.

Watashi wa tanaka san o shitte imasu.
I know Mr. Tanaka

We also use this structure to talk about a habit, custom, to ask about someone’s job or situation, or to answer for the question: [おしごとはなんですか]

IMC wa konpuutaa o tsukutte imasu.
IMC Company is manufacturing computers.

ミラーさんは IMC ではたらいています。
Mira san wa IMC de hataraite imasu.
Mr. Miller is working at IMC Company.


Meaning : Not know

Usage : Negative form of [しっています] is [しりません]

Example :
Shakuyasho no denwwabangou o shitte imasuka.
Do you know The City Hall’s phone number?
Hai, shitte imasu.
Yes, I do.
Iie, shirimasen.
No, I don’t.

4. Kaiwa 

Miraa : Kyou no eiga wa yokattadesu ne.

木村 : ええ。特にあのお父さんはよかったですね。
Kimura : Ee. Tokuni ano otousan wa yokattadesu ne.

Ee. Watashi wa kazoku o omoidashimashita.

木村 : そうですか。ミラーさんのご家族は?
Soudesu ka. Miraa san no gokazoku wa?

Ryoushin to ane ga ichi nin imasu.

木村 : どちらにいらっしゃいますか 。
Dochira ni irasshaimasu ka.

Ryoushin wa nyuuyouku no chikaku ni sunde imasu. Ane wa Rondondesu. Kimura san no gokazoku wa?

木村 : 3人です。父は銀行員です。母は高校で英語を教えています。
Sannin desu. Chichi wa ginkouin desu. Haha wa koukou de eigo o oshiete imasu.


What about your family?

Miller: The movie today was good, wasn’t it?

Kimura: Yeah. Especially that father was great.

Miller: Yeah. I recalled my family.

Kimura: Is that so? What is Mr. Miller family like?

Miller: I have parents and an older sister.

Kimura: Where do they live?

Miller: My parents live near New York and my sister is in London.

What about Mr. Kimura’s family?

Kimura: There are 3 people in my family. My father is a bank employee. My mother teaches English at a high school.

Please see the renshuu section on the next page.

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