Japanese むしろ grammar mushiro

Let’s learn Japanese むしろ grammar mushiro :
JLPT level : N3
Formation :
Meaning and how to use :
“contrast…”, describe 2 parts that one is superior to the other.
For example
Kare no koto ga kirai dokoro ka. Mushiro, suki desu yo.
I don’t hate him. In contrast, I like him.
anta tachi nitsuite no warui uwasa o dasu nanka shi na yo. Mushiro, tasukeyo u to omou.
I don’t say bad rumour about you. I even intend to help.
kanojo o ijimeru nante shi nai. Mushiro, kanojo o mamori tai da.
I don’t browbeat her. In the other hand, I want to protect her.
watashi nitotte natsuyasumi wa tsumaranai dokoro ka. Mushiro, totemo omoshiroku te, imi ga aru yo.
For me, summer isn’t boring. In contrast, it’s meaningful.
kono ‘tsukai annai’ no yōshi ga muyō ja nai yo. Mushiro, tsukaikata o shitte i tara, totemo yūeki da.
The paper “direction for use” is not useless. In contrast, if you know how to make use of it, it’s very helpful.
Related structures :
むしろ mushiro
ぐらいならむしろ gurainaramushiro, gurainara mushiro
というよりむしろ toiuyorimushiro, toiuyori mushiro
より(も)むしろ yori(mo)mushiro
above is Japanese むしろ grammar mushiro. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.
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