JLPT N2 Vocabulary

Jlpt N2 vocabulary week 1Jlpt N2 vocabulary week 1

Jlpt N2 vocabulary week 1. To make it easier for you to study, Learn Japanese Online has collected Japanese N2 vocabularies from many sources. Each lesson contains 10 words (It’s a nice quantity for you to study regularly. The post is devided in to 6 days (or 1 week).

Tips for studying :

– Study regularly, do review in the next day, next 3 days and what you learnt in 1 week

– Note down difficult words that you spend all the week to study without result, then keep it with you to study anywhere

– You should imagine how the word is used in real life situation, make a sentence, or several other good ways in : How to learn Japanese.

– Determination and effort will help you to be successful !

Jlpt N2 vocabulary week 1

1. JLPT N2 Vocabulary day 1

1. びら : flier, handbill (to promote, advertise). Usually goes with まく (to scatter) hoặc 貼る (to paste)

2. 賃貸アパート (ちんたいアパート) : apartment for rent

3. 家賃  (やちん) : rent (the money you have to pay when renting the house)

4. 管理費  (かんりひ) : management fee (Management fee for the space, service and running the building like elevators…)

5. 無料/ ただ (むりょう) : free. Costs nothing. 無料で使用できる :you can use it without paying anything.

6. 敷金 (しききん) : Deposit. The money you have to pay the landlord in advance to ensure the payment.

7. 礼金  (れいきん) : reward money. A sum of money you give to the owner as a thank you for letting you rent the house.

8. 広々している (ひろびろ) : big, spacious. 広々とした眺め : Open view. 広々とした家 : Big/Spacious house

9. ながめがいい : nice view ( an apartment, house facing a nice view)

10. 日当たりがいい (ひあたり) : sunny, nice lighting (the house/apartment is exposed to great natural lighting)

2. JLPT N2 Vocabulary day 2

11. 人通りが多い (ひとどおり) : a lot of people passing by

12. 一軒家/一戸建て (いっけんや/いっこだて) : detached house. A stand-alone house on the ground, not an apartment or condo.

13. 物干し (ものほし) : Clotheshorse. 物干しざお  : clothesline, pole to hang clothes. 洗濯ロープ –  物干しロープ : a rope to hang the clothes.

14. 風呂場 (ふろば) : bathroom. Usually has a bathtub.

15. 洗面所 (せんめんじょ) : The sink (to wash your face). It could include the changing and laundry area.

16. 一人暮らし (ひとりぐらし) : live alone.

17. 近所付き合い (きんじょづきあい) : Neighbor relationships. The relationship with people living near you.

18. 引越しの荷造りをする (ひっこしのにづくり) : Pack up to move.

19. 回覧板を回す (かいらんばんをまわす) : Circular notice. (Pass to the next person in the neighborhood or association after finish reading)

20. この辺り/この付近 (このあたり/このふきん) : vicinity area.

3. JLPT N2 Vocabulary day 3

21. 真ん前 (まんまえ) : Ahead, in front. 車は家の真ん前に止まった The car parks right in front of the house.

22. 真後ろ (まうしろ) : Right behind. 敵の真後ろに回る. Run to the behind of the enemy.

23. 真ん中 (まんなか) : In the centre, middle.

24. 斜め前 (ななめまえ) : In front but tilting a little bit to the left or the right. コンビニの斜め前にあります The convenience store is in front of you, a little bit to the left.

25. 買い換える (かいかえる) : buy a replacement, to replace with something new. 冷蔵庫を買い換える : Buy a new fridge to replace the old one.

26. 家電製品 (かでんせいひん) : home appliances (electric)

27. 省エネ (しょうエネ) : energy saving. An acronym of 省エネルギー. 省エネエアコン : energy saving air conditioner. 省エネモード : energy saving mode.

28. 電気代を節約する (でんきだいをせつやくする) : Save on electricity bills.

29. ごみがたまる : the trash piles up.

30. リサイクルに出す(だす) : Take it to the recycling site.

4.JLPT N2 Vocabulary day4

31. 不用品を処分する (ふようひんをしょぶんする) : throw away the disposables.

32. ごみを分別する (ぶんべつする) : Separate the trash (into types: Combustible garbage, Resources garbage,… You need to separate and throw the trash on the right day according to the schedule)

33. 燃えるごみ/可燃ごみ (もえるごみ/かねんごみ) : Combustible garbage (The garbage will be burnt to dispose. Usually raw food, left overs,…)

34. 燃やせるごみ (もやせるごみ) : Garbage that can be burnt. Another saying of 燃えるごみ/可燃ごみ

35. 燃えないごみ/不燃ごみ (もえないごみ/ふねんごみ) : Incombustible garbage. The garbage must be taken to the factory to be burnt. (Metal,…)

36. 燃やせないごみ (もやせないごみ) : Garbage that can’t be burnt. Another saying of 燃えないごみ/不燃ごみ

37. 生ごみ (なまごみ) : Raw garbage (Vegetables, leftovers,…)

38. 粗大ごみ (そだいごみ) : Big sized garbage (table, drawer,…)

39. 資源ごみ (しげんごみ) : Recycling garbage (papers, plastic bottles,…)

40. 指定のゴミ袋 (していのゴミぶくろ) : Specialized garbage bag. Each kind of garbage needs to be put in a certain kind of bag (of different colors)

5. JLPT N2 Vocabulary day 5

41. ラベルをはがす : Remove the tag/label (on the product)

42. シールを貼る (はる) : Seal (to make sure the product hasn’t been opened yet)

43. アルミ缶(かん)をつぶす : Crush the tin can (before putting in the garbage bag)

44. 古新聞を再利用する (ふるしんぶんをさいりようする) : reuse the newspapers (to wrap things)

45. みずがもれる : The water leaks

46. 水(みず)をもらす : Leak the water

47. 秘密がもれる (ひみつ) : The secret leaks out

48. 秘密をもらす (ひみつ) : Leak the secret

49. こぼれる : Spill, Fall out, Overflow

50. よくいらっしゃいました。どうぞおあがりください。 : Welcome/Thank you for coming. Please come in.

6. JLPT N2 Vocabulary day 6

51. おじゃまします : Sorry for bothering/intruding (When you come inside someone’s house)

52. ご無沙汰していま。お元気でしたか (ごぶさたしています。おげんきでしたか) : It’s been a long time since I last saw you. How do you do? Honorifics of お久しぶり(おひさしぶり).

53. ええ、おかけさまで : I have been well.

54. つまらないものですが : It’s probably nothing (a simple gift), I hope you will accept it (when you give someone a gift).

55. ありがとうございます。えんりょなくいただきます : Then, I will help myself. Thank you very much.

56. お茶をお持ちします (おちゃをおもちします) : I’m going to bring you some tea.

57. どうぞおかまいなく : Oh, please don’t mind it. (When you come over and tell the owner not to mind too much about the tea)

58. ゆっくりしていってください : Please talk a bit slower.

59. ごゆっくりお召し上がりください (ごゆっくりおめしあがりください) : Please take it slow and enjoy the meal.

60. 友人を家に招く (ゆうじんをいえにまねく) : Ask a friend to come over.

Above is Jlpt N2 vocabulary week 1. Learn the following weeks in the category : JLPT N2 Vocabulary.

Goodluck !

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