the JLPT Test

The N5 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

The N5 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

Level N5 is the lowest level in the JLPT system (N4, N3, N2, N1). Level N5 is used to assess reading comprehension with simple sentences with Hiragana, Katakana and some basic Kanji. Despite being the lowest level, every year, many people still take the test.

The N5 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

To assist you in practising the level N5, in this article, LearnJapanesedaily will introduce you to the N5 JLPT structure and goal of each section.

Try N5 tests with us in the section: N5 online test

The N5 JLPT Structure consists of 3 main sections

  1. Language knowledge (time frame: 25 minutes).
  2. Reading comprehension (time frame: 50 minutes)
  3. Listening (time frame: 30 minutes)

Each section is then divided into smaller segments:

1. Language knowledge – 4 segments

1.1 Reading Kanji:

– Goal: Assessing reading Kanji ability.

– Number of questions: About 12.

For example

__の ことばは ひらがなで どうかきますか。1・2・3・4からいちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください


1. あたらしい                      2. あだらしい

3. あらたしい                      4. あらだしい

1.2. Kanji and Katakana

– Goal: Assessing the ability to write Hiragana using Katakana or Kanji.

– Number of questions: About 8.

For example

__の ことばは どう かきますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

あの ほてるは ゆうめいです

1.ホラル                     2.ホテル

3. ホテラ                                4.ホテハ

1.3  Completing sentences

– Goal: Assessing reading comprehension in a context.

– Number of questions: About 10.

For example

(       )に なにを いれますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

ここは (  )です。べんきょうできません





1.4  Changing ways of speaking

– Goal: Assessing the ability to use various way to express a particular idea.

– Number of question: About 5.

For example

__ の ぶんと だいたい おなじ いみの ぶんが あります。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

わたしは デパートに つとめて います。

1.わたしは デパートで かいものを して います。

2.わたしは デパートで さんぽを して います。

3.わたしは デパートで しごとを して います。

4.わたしは デパートで やすんで います。

2.Reading comprehension

2.1 Grammar – Divided into 3 small segments

2.1.1 Grammar in a sentence -1

– Goal: Assessing the ability to choose the right grammar to match the content.

– Number of questions: About 16

For example


2.1.2 Grammar in a sentence -2  : Building a sentence

– Goal: Assessing the ability to form a grammatical sentence that makes sense.

– Number of questions: About 5

For example


2.1.3 : Grammar in a passage

– Goal: Assessing the ability to select words, sentences to form a coherent passage.

– Number of questions: About 5.

For example: 


2.2 Listening Comprehension – Listening comprehension is divided into 3 segments

2.2.1 : Short passage listening comprehension

– Goal: Assessing the ability to comprehend a short passage under 80 words, about various subjects: Study, life, work…

– Number of questions: About 3.

For example:


2.2.2 : Medium length passage reading comprehension

– Goal: Assessing the ability to comprehend a simple, medium length passage, about 250 words, about various subjects in life.

– Number of questions: About 2.

For example:


2.2.3 : Seeking information

– Goal: Assessing the ability to find information from newspaper or a memo (about 250 words) .

– Number of question: About 1.

For example:


3.Listening comprehension

Listening comprehension is divided into 5 segments:

3.1 Listening comprehension with contexts

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, with summary (able to grasp the necessary information, understand and know what to do next)

– Number of questions: About 7.

For example:


3.2 : Listen to get the main point

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, with sumary (given the concept, required to get the information after having done the listening)

– Number of questions: About 6.

For example:


3.3 : Dialogue Listening Comprehension

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue showing the context, choose the right answer to the question.

– Number of questions: About 5.

For example:


3.5 : Responsive Listening Comprehension

– Goal: Assessing listening skill by a short dialogue, choose the right answer to the question.

– Number of questions: About 6.

For example:


Above is everything about the N5 JLPT’s structure, you can find more about the JLPT, download tests, excercise Japanese vocabulary right in this page: JLPT Practice.

LearnJapanesedaily hopes you can understand more about the N4 JLPT’s structure to build your own practice plan.

Wish you all the luck on your practice and the real N5 JLPT!

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2 thoughts on “The N5 JLPT Structure and goal of each section

  • Phule bhaskar Shivhari

    I want question paper N 4

    • tuhocjpndaily

      sorry but it is likely that nobody have that paper 🙂


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