Janapanese for beginers

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 6

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 6

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 6. hi everyone. In this post, Learn Japanese Daily  will introduce you the very first lessons in the Japanese course-book : Minna no nihongo (Japanese for everyone)

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 6:

Summary :

In the lesson 6 learners will learn the vocabulary related to daily meals and also new structures.

As usual, the lesson is divided into 3 parts: vocabulary, grammar and reference words

First is vocabulary, about verbs:

たべます : eat

のみます : drink

すいます : to smoke

みます : look

ききます : listen

よみます : read

かきます : write

かいます : buy

とります : take picture

あいます : meet

Next, is about food:

ごはん : rice

あさごはん : breakfast

ひるごはん : lunch

ばんごはん : dinner

パン : bread

たまご : egg

さかな : fish

やさい vegetable

くだもの : fruits

みず : water

おちゃ : tea

こうちゃ : black tea

ぎゅうにゅう: milk

ジュース : juice

ビール : beer

おさけ: wine

みせ: store

レストラン : restaurant

にわ : garden

About film/movie:

ビデオ : video

えいが : movie


てがみ : letter

しゃしん : picture

Next, is about study:

レポート : report

しゅくだい : homework

And the last is sport:

テニス: tennis

サッカ : soccer

Here are some communicative sentence:

おはなみ : cherry blossom viewing

いっしょに : together

ちょっと : a little bit or you can use in case to deny someone about something.

いつも : always

ときどき : sometimes

それから, after that, next

ええ : yes

いいですね : that’s nice

わかりました : understood

じゃまた see you soon.

Next, the grammar part.

There will be lots of structure in this part, so try to pay attention to it.

We had learned verbs that don’t require object like go, sleep, come…., but in some verbs like eat, drink, meet…that we learned above need the object right?

In the first structure of lesson 6 has the meaning of doing something, nouns combine with をand verb. The practical を is used to show the direct object of the verb. In the lesson 1 を in ひらがな is only use for practical.

To understand more about this structure let’s see the example.

ごはんをたべますmeans  “I eat rice”

ビールをのみますmeans “I drink beer”

Another example: “I write book”  本をかきます

There is one thing to focus, in Japanese it is unnecessary to say “me” in a sentence. Therefore the sentences become much shorter and are still understood by the listeners.

You can see in the example above that didn’t use 私 but the listeners can still understand that “I eat rice” or “I drink beer”.

Next, move on to the second structure.

In Japanese, there are lots of nouns that are used as clarification for verbs.

します, and the structure Nをしますindicates the action to perform the content expressed in nouns.

For instance, テニスcombine with します will be

テニスをします “I play tennis”,

サッカをしますmeans “I play soccer”,

しゅくだいをします means “I do homework”

To ask “What are you doing?”  the answer is なにをしますか.

For example:

“What did you do yesterday?”  then you have to say  昨日何をしましたか

the answer is うちで寝ました means “I slept at home”

The question word  “What” in Japanese sometimes pronounced なんor なに? There are rules to pronounce it.

For example, “What is it?” then it will be これはなんですか but in the example we have learned above

“What are you doing?” なにをしますか is pronounced as nani.

First we readなんin cases:

Standing behind the sound of surrenderた、だ、な it explains the question これはなんですかbehind it has the soundで belong to だ row, or in case, when it stands before suffix point out age, person, year, month…

For example, あきちゃんはなんさいですかmeans “How old is Aki?”. Other than the above case we’ll use なにlike なにをよみますか “What are you reading?”, this sentence doesn’t have the suffix of counting, behind doesn’t have the sound of た, だ, な then it will read なに.

Next,  the fifth structure, it has the form NでV means doing what in where, in the last lesson we also learned NでV but the verbs shown the movement, and it also had the different meaning. In here the verbs has the meaning of action. The practical で in this sentence is used after location nouns to express the place that the action happened. For example:

“I bought a newspaper at the station” i will say えきでしんぶんをかいました or “I eat rice in restaurant”, the action of eating happen in restaurant, that’s why we have to sayレストランでごはんをたべます.

When you want to invite someone, we have the structureVませんか means want to do something?

For instance,  “Do you want to have a meal with me?” it will be  いっしょに ごはんを たべませんか

or このえいがをみませんか means “Do you want to see this movie with me?”

There is another structure used to invite or demand the listener to do something with the speaker, it is

Vましょうmeans doing something together. It shows the assertiveness of the speaker.

For example: いっしょに ひるごはんを たべましょう  “Let’s have a lunch together.”

Learners have to distinguish the structure you learned above in the most accurate case.

Next, move on the final structure of the lesson today. In the last lesson we learned the prefixお in nouns国

to show the politeness of the speaker when mention the country name of the listener, in this lesson we also learn the prefixお, but in another way.

Prefix お can stand in fornt of a lot of words to show the politeness of the speaker


However, in some cases, although it stands in fornt of words but it has normal meaning, not as polite asおちゃ、 おかね.

Do pay attention on how to recognize which one is the polite and normal words. The more you learn, the more you will distinguish the words more easily.

Next part is the dialogue.

The situation is: After a 2-days holiday Aki and Tanaka met and talked to each other. The content of the dialogue was what they were doing during their holiday.

Aki: 田中君、休みはどう “Tanaka, how was your holiday?”

Tanaka: 秋ちゃん、休みは楽しかったです “Aki, it was great”

Aki: ええ、そうですか。何をしますか “Oh really. what did you do?”

Tanaka: うちで ははと りょうり をしました。秋ちゃんは “I stayed at home and cook with my mom. What about you?”

Aki: ああ、うちでいつもねました “I just slept at home”

Tanaka: そうですか. 今 いっしょに ごはんを たべませんか “”Really, do you want to have lunch now?”

Aki: ええ、いいですね “Yes, that’s nice”

Tanaka: じゃ、行きましょう “Let’s go”

Next, the reference words. In this lesson will introduce to you some new words about food.


きゅうり : cucumber

とまと: tomato

なす : fish

まめ tofu

キャベツ : cabbage

ねぎ : Welsh onion

はくさい : white rap (Chinese cabbage)

ほうれんそう : spinach

レタス : lettuce

じゃがいも : potato

だいこん : white oriental radish

たまねぎ : onion

にんじん : carrot

Next is fruits:

いちご : strawberry

もも : peach

すいか : water lemon

ぶどう : grapes

なし : pear

かき : persimmon

みかん : mandarin

りんご : apple

バナナ : banana

About meat:

ぎゅうにく : beef

とりにく : chicken meat

ぶたにく : pork

ソーセージ : sausage

ハム : ham

What else, here is some kinds of fish. As you know japan is very famous in fish

あじ : scad

いわし : herring

さば : mackerel

さんま : mackerel pike

さけ : salmon

まぐろ : tuna

たい : sea bream

たら : gadid

えび : shrimp

かに : crap

いか : squid

かい : oyster

たこ : octupus

So, here are some new words about food. This is only for reference so, learners can also find more words outside of this lesson.

Question number 1: When doing something which structure will you use?

The answer is: Nをverb, For example: みずをのみます means “I drink water”

Next, let’s distinguish なん and なに. When do you useなんand when isなに?

The answer is なん, used when the word after the first character belongs toだ ,な, or when it stands before suffix indicating age, person, year, month… Otherwise we use なに

Third question: Which structure is used when doing something in somewhere?

The answer is: NでV

Next, to invite or demand somebody to do something with the person, how to say?

The answer is the structure: Vましょう

The last question: What if the prefix お stands before nouns has normal meaning?

The answer is yes for example: おかね、おちゃ. it has only normal meaning (money, tea)

In lesson 6 the vocabulary part has 5 subjects: verbs, food, film/cinema, sports and school equipment.


In cultural corner, we will tell you the situation of foods in Japan.

As we know, Japan is the third-largest economy in the world.

The amount exports of electronic components, machinery, car and other industrial products are very large.

The only thing Japan needs to import is food. Over 50% of food such as cereal, vegetables, fruits, meat need to be imported, only rice is self-sufficient.

Do you know why? The main reason is Japan is a resource-poor country, even in farm areas, all around covered by sea,

That’s why, agriculture in this country is very difficult to grow.

However, Japan is still considered a big exporter in the World.

Above is Learn minna no nihongo lesson 6. Check out other similar lesson in category : learn japanese for beginer or learn japanese with minna no nihongo. We hope with the instruction in this post, you will find that learning Japanese is not so difficult and you can learn Japanese by yourself. If you have any question, just leave us your question below the post.

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