Janapanese for beginers

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 23

6. Mondai

To do the “Mondai” section, you need “minna no nihongo” book and audios for listening

Exercise 1: Listen and answer questions

With this exercise, first you need to listen to the question and write down what you have listened and then answer the question according to your own understanding. You should not try to focus on clearly listening to each word of a sentence and miss the following sentences. You should listen it for the first time, answer the questions one by one, with the questions you can’t listen then listening to them the second time. After that, you can listen again and copy the words to improve your listening skill and remember words better. Finally, after listening and answering all questions, you can refer to the translation and the answer below.


Translation :

Kodomo no toki, doko ni sunde imashita ka?
Where did you live when you were a child?

Gaikoku he itte, michi ga wakarinai toki doushimasuka?
What should you do when you go abroad and do not know the way?

Himana toki, nani wo shimasuka?
What do you do when you are free?

Donna toki, takushi- ni norimasu ka?
When do you take a taxi?

Takusan osake wo nomu to, dounari masuka?
What happens if you drink a lot?


Hanoi ni sunde imashita.
I lived in Hanoi.

Chikakuni iru hito ni kikimasu.
I will ask the people who are nearby.

Eiga wo mitari, hon wo yondari
I will watch movies, read books, etc.

Ame no toki, norimasu.
I will take a taxi when it rains.

Atama ga itaku narimasu.
I will have a headache.

Exercise 2: Listen and choose the best picture

For this exercise, before listening, you should look at the pictures to guess the content. When listening, memorize the keywords and compare them with the pictures to choose the best picture.



Excuse me. I want to make an international call, what should I do?

Where do you call?

I call my American friend.

Well, first press 001, next press the American number 1. Then press your friend’s number.

I got it. Thank you very much.


Excuse me. Where is Midori Library?

Go straight on the road in front of the station and you will see a bridge.

The bridge, right?

Yeah. Cross that bridge, then go about 100 meters and you will see it on the left.




Exercise 3: Listen and choose true or false

With this exercise, the listeners will listen to the conversation, then there will be a key point about the problem that will be raised in the conversation. The listeners must choose whether the content is true or false according to what they has listened. If it is true, select 〇 (maru) and if it is false, choose ✖ (batsu). In this listening section, you should pay attention to the concluding sentence to see whether that sentence is given in a positive or negative form in order to avoid being “tricked” when listening.


Execuse me. Please teach me how to use this machine.

Yes. Please put money here first. Then press this button and the card will come out.

This button, right? I got it. Thank you very much.

★ ボタンをおしてから、お金を入れると、カードが出ます。
★ After pressing the button, then put money and the card will come out.


Recently, everyone has had a phone.

Yeah. Because it is convenient when traveling or going on a business trip. When I go on a business trip, I also bring my computer.

★ 男のひとは出張のとき、電話とパソコンを持って行きます。
★ The man brings his phone and computer when going on a business trip.


Mr. Yamada, what is that?

It is Chinese tea. I drink it when I feel sick..

That’s also tea, right?

No, it’s medicine. I take it after I had a drink.

★ Mr. Yamada drink Chinese tea after having a drink.


1 (✖)



Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer and give the true form

With this exercise, you will choose the best answer from the answers that are shown, they are usually the verbs so in order to choose the correct answer, you need to pay attention to which nouns and verbs will go together. After choosing the correct answer, you must conjugate the verb to match the meaning of the sentence by relying on the following part of the question.


I bring my card when going shopping.
Explanation : We use [いきます] here to complement the shopping (買い物); however, with [とき], [いきます] becomes いく.

Here are some exercises, after finishing, you can refer to the answers and translations below

The verbs : あります、借ります、わたります、でます

1.図書館で本を ( ) とき、カードが要ります。

Answer and translation
図書館で本を(借りる)とき、カードが要ります。You need a card when borrowing books at the library.

2.道を( )とき、左と右をよく見なければなりません。

Answer and translation
道を(わたる)とき、左と右をよく見なければなりません。When we cross the road, we have to look closely at the left and the right.

3.時間が( )とき、朝ごはんを食べません。

Answer and translation
時間が(ない)とき、朝ごはんを食べません。When I don’t have time, I don’t have breakfast.

4.お釣りが( )とき、このボタンを押してください。

Answer and translation
お釣りが(でない)とき、このボタンを押してください。Please press this button when the change doesn’t come out.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct answer

This is the exercise for reviewing the grammar structure [Vる/Vた + とき]. You will base on the completed clause to guess the meaning of the sentence and then give the best answer.

Example : うちへ(帰る、帰った)とき、「ただいま」と言います。

With this sentence, we use [Vた + とき] to show that the going home has been done, so the right answer is [帰った].
Translation : After going home, we say “tadaima”

Here are some exercises, after finishing, you can refer to the answers and translations below


Answer and translation
(つかれた)とき、あついおふろには入って早く寝ます。When I’m tired, I take a hot bath and go to bed early.


Answer and translation
うちを(出る)とき、電気を消しませんでした。When I left my house, I did not turn off the light.


Answer and translation
朝(おきた)とき、家族の写真に「おはよう」と言います。When I get up in the morning, I say “Good morning” to the picture of my family.


Answer and translation
きのうのよる(ねる)とき、少しお酒を飲みました。Before going to bed last night, I drank a little.

Exercise 6: Give the true form of the word

With this exercise, we will give the true form of the word to match the grammar. This is a simple exercise that makes it easy to memorize the grammars we have learned.

Example( 眠いです →眠い) とき、顔を 洗います。

Applying the grammars we have learned: Vる/Vない/Aい /Aな/Nの + とき~

Here are some exercises, after finishing, you can refer to the answers and translations below

1.( 暇です → ______ ) とき、遊びに 来て ください。

Answer and translation
( 暇です → 暇な ) とき、遊びに 来て ください。Please come to play when you are free.

2.( 独身です → ______ ) とき、よく 旅行を しました。

Answer and translation
( 独身です → 独身の ) とき、よく 旅行を しました。I often traveled when I was single.

3. 母は( 若いです → ______ ) とき、とても きれいでした。

Answer and translation
母は( 若いです → 若い ) とき、とても きれいでした。My mother was very beautiful when she was young.

Exercise 7:  Fill the appropriate verb in the blank

With this exercise, you need to reread the vocabulary that you have learned in the lesson combined with the information in the sentences such as particles, nouns, … to be able to guess and choose the best verb. Moreover, in order to avoid confusion in verb conjugation, you also need to pay attention to grammatical patterns in the sentences.

Example : この お茶を (飲む) と、元気に なります。

Translation: When I drink this tea, I feel better.
We choose 飲む (to drink) because the subject is お茶 (tea), and we will use the grammar structure [Vる+と] here.

Here are some exercises, after finishing, you can refer to the answers and translations below

1.あの 交差点を 左へ (______)と、銀行が あります。

Answer and translation
あの 交差点を 左へ (曲がる)と、銀行が あります。Turn right at that intersection and you will see the bank.

2.この つまみを 右へ (______)と、音が 大きく なります。

Answer and translation
この つまみを 右へ (回す)と、音が 大きく なります。When you turn this knob to the right, the sound is louder.

3.この 料理は 少し お酒を (______)と、おいしく なります。

Answer and translation
この 料理は 少し お酒を (入れる)と、おいしく なります。This dish is more delicious when you add a little alcohol.

Above is instruction to Learn minna no nihongo lesson 23. See other lessons in category : learn Japanese with minna no nihongo or: Japanese for beginers.

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