Janapanese for beginers

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 16

6. Mondai

To do the “Mondai” section, you need “minna no nihongo” book and audios for listening

Exercise 1: Listen and answer questions

With this exercise, you will hear the questions and answer. When listening, stop for 30 seconds to 1 minute in each sentence to write the answer. With the questions that you don’t hear clearly, listen them the second time. After listening 1 or 2 times to answer the question, you can listen again to hear each word clearly and copy it to improve your listening skill and remember words better.


朝起きて何をしますか。(What do you do in the morning after getting up ?)
…シャワーを 浴びて、新聞を 読みます。


きのう晩ごはんを食べてから、何をしましたか。(What did you do yesterday after having dinner ?)


(How to go from your home to the airport?)


あなたの日本語の辞書はどうですか。(How is your Japanese dictionary?)


お母さんはどんな人ですか。(What kind of person is your mother?)

Exercise 2: Listen and select the corresponding picture

For this exercise, before listening, you should look at the pictures to guess the content. When listening, memorize the keywords and compare them with the pictures to choose the best picture.


(How do you always go to the company?)

女:JRで大阪まで行って、地下鉄に乗り換えて、日本橋で降ります。それから会社まで 歩いて行きます。
(I take the JR to Osaka, then change to the subway and get off at Nihonbashi. Then I will walk to the company.)

(Is that so.)

Answer: 1


(Excuse me. Who is Ms. Karina?)

(She is that person.)


(She is that tall person with short hair.)

(Thank you!)

Exercise 3: Listen and choose true or false

With this exercise, the listeners will listen to the conversation, then there will be a key point about the problem that will be raised in the conversation. The listeners must choose whether the content is true or false according to what they has listened. If it is true, select 〇 (maru) and if it is false, choose ✖ (batsu).

In this listening section, you should pay attention to the concluding sentence to see whether that sentence is given in a positive or negative form in order to avoid being “tricked” when listening.


(What time does your study end?)

(It ends at 3 o’clock.)

(Well, why don’t we play tennis after study?)

(Sounds good.)

(Well, I’m waiting for you in the lobby around 3:30!)

(The woman will study until 3 o’clock, then she will play tennis.)



(How is the dormitory?)

(It’s quiet and clean.)

(How long does it take to get there from the station?)

(It takes about 20 minutes by bus.)

(Is that so? It’s a bit far, isn’t it?)

(The man’s dormitory is near the station, quiet and clean.)



(How was the trip?)

(I’m tired. I saw Hirosima on Saturday and went to Nagasaki on Sunday.)

(Is that so. Busy, wasn’t it?)

(The man traveled at weekend.)


Exercise 4: Fill the appropriate particles in the blank

1. 国へ帰ってから、大学(   )入って、経済の研究をします。

Answer and translation
国へ帰ってから、大学( に )入って、経済の研究をします。After returning to my hometown, I will enter the university and study economics.

2. 大阪駅からJR(   )乗って、京都駅で降ります。

Answer and translation
大阪駅からJR( に )乗って、京都駅で降ります。Take the JR from Osaka Station and get off at Kyoto Station.

3. 京都で古いお寺 (   )見ました。

Answer and translation
京都で古いお寺 ( を )見ました。I saw an old temple in Kyoto.

4. 日本は山 ( が )多いです。

Answer and translation
日本は山 ( が )多いです。There are many mountains in Japan.

5. 北海道はきれいで、食べ物 (   )おいしいです。

Answer and translation
北海道はきれいで、食べ物 ( が )おいしいです。Hokkaido is beautiful and the food there is delicious.

6. 会社 (   )やめてから、何をしますか。

Answer and translation
会社 ( を )やめてから、何をしますか。What will you do after quitting the company?

7. ジョギングをして、シャワー (   )浴びて、学校へ行きます。

Answer and translation
ジョギングをして、シャワー ( を )浴びて、学校へ行きます。I go jogging, take a shower and then go to school.

8. 大学 (  )出てから、父の会社 (   ) 働きます。

Answer and translation
大学 ( を)出てから、父の会社 ( で ) 働きます。After graduating from university, I will work at my father’s company.

Exercise 5: Fill the appropriate wprds in the blank

1. デパートへ (   )、買い物して、それから映画を見ます。

Answer and translation
デパートへ (行って)、買い物して、それから映画を見ます。I go to the department store, go shopping and then watch a movie.

2. 銀行でお金を(   )から、買い物に行きます。

Answer and translation
銀行でお金を (出して)から、買い物に行きます。After making a withdrawal at the bank, I go shopping.

3. 日本橋から地下鉄に(   )、大阪駅でJRに(乗り換えて)、甲子園で降ります。

Answer and translation
日本橋から地下鉄に (乗って)、大阪駅でJRに(乗り換えて)、甲子園で降ります。Take the subway at Nipponbashi, change to JR at Osaka Station, and get off at Koshien.

4. シャワーを(   )から、プールに入ってください。

Answer and translation
シャワーを(浴びて) から、プールに入ってください。Please take a shower before entering the pool.

Exercise 6: Choose the words from the box, give the true form and fill in the blank

1. カリナさんは富士大学の ( )、美術を勉強しています。

Answer and translation
カリナさんは富士大学の (学生で)、美術を勉強しています。Ms. Karina is a student at Fuji University and she is studying art.

2. 佐藤さんは頭が (  )、すてきな人です。

Answer and translation
佐藤さんは頭が (よくて)、すてきな人です。Ms. Sato is a smart and nice person.

3. 新しいパソコンは ( )、便利です。

Answer and translation
新しいパソコンは (軽くて)、便利です。The new computer is light and convenient.

4. 東京は (にぎやかで)、おもしろい町です。

Answer and translation
東京は (にぎやかで)、おもしろい町です。Tokyo is lively and interesting.

Exercise 7: Read the following paragraph and choose true or false

Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, Nara
Osaka is a big city. There are many buildings, vehicles, people and it is very busy. Kobe, Kyoto and Nara are all near Osaka. Since Kyoto and Nara have many old temples and shrines, many foreigners come to visit.
Kobe doesn’t have a lot of antiques but there are mountains behind and the sea in front of the city, so it’s a great city. Young people like Kobe. There are two airports in Osaka. The new airport is located on the sea, large and beautiful.

1.( ✖ )

(Osaka is a quiet city with many old temples.)


( 〇 )
(We see a lot of foreigners in Kyoto and Nara.)


( 〇 )

(There are sea and mountains near Kobe.)

4.( ✖ )

(The new airport in Osaka is beautiful but small.)

Above is instruction to Learn minna no nihongo lesson 16. See other lessons in category : learn Japanese with minna no nihongo or: Japanese for beginers.

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