Japanese grammar dictionary

Japanese を通じて をつうじて grammar wotsuujite
Japanese を通じて をつうじて grammar wotsuujite

Let’s learn Japanese を通じて をつうじて grammar wotsuujite :

JLPT level : N2

Formation :


Meaning and how to use :

1. Do something through/via something. This structure isn’t used for vehicle

For example

Boku ha sensei otsuujite yamada san no koto o shitte i ta.
I knew Yamada through my teacher.

tomodachi otsuujite, sono jiken no kuwashii koto o shitte i masu.
Through my friend, I know in detail about that even.

honyaku sha otsuujite, aite ga itte iru koto ga wakari masu.
Through the interpreter I understand what he says.

2.Describe the meaning “during a period of time”. Only used with nouns indicating time.

For example

kanojo ha wakare jikan no ichi nen otsuujite, nani mo kawara nai.
One year has gone, she hasn;t changed at all during the time after breaking up her boyfriend.

kono atari ha ichi shuukan otsuujite ame deshi ta.
This area has rained for a week.

ano gaka ha shougai otsuujite, kachi aru sakuhin o tsukure mase n deshi ta.
During that artist’s life, he has created not one valuable work.

– Mostly used in writtings.
– Can also use “を通して” without changing its meaning.

Related structures :

を通して wotooshite

above is Japanese を通じて をつうじて grammar wotsuujite. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.

You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary

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