Janapanese for beginersJapanese vocabulary

Common phrases using the word 身

Common phrases using the word 身

Common phrases using the word 身 (cont.)

6. 身を起こ・す


出世する。To become successful, to be promoted

For example:

「一介の農民から身を起こした」。To become successful from being an ordinary farmer. 

7. 身を固・める


結婚して家庭をもつ。また,定職につく。To get married, to have a stable job.

For example:
早くいい女をして、身を固めなさい。Quickly find a girl to get married!

8. 身を切・る


つらさ・寒さなどが非常にきびしいさま。The cold agony (as if the pain cuts through the flesh)

For example:

「 身を切られるような思い」。An agonizing thought (as if being cut through the flesh)

身を切る寒風 。The cold wind cuts through the flesh.

9. 身を投・げる


投身自殺をする。To suicide

For example:

失恋で海に身を投げる。To suicide over a break up by jumping off a bridge.

10. 身を引・く


これまでの地位・立場からしりぞく。To retreat from one’s current position, stance.

For example:

「政界から身を引く」。To retreat from politics.

Above are common phrases using the word 身. Check out other Japanese words and phrases in section: Japanese vocabulary

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