Japanese vocabulary

Most common japanese words 3000 words list

3000 most common japanese words

3000 most common japanese words – week 4

Day 19

2181. まぶしい (mabushii) :dazzling, glaring

2182. おやつ (oyatsu) :snack, refreshment

2183. 空っぽ (karappo) :empty

2184. ぶつぶつ (butsubutsu) :in a mutter, mumble

2185. すっと (sutto) :(feel) refreshed, satisfied

2186. 図々しい (zuuzuushii) :impudent, cheeky

2187. にっこり (nikkori) :smiling brightly

2188. けち (kechi) :stingy, miser

2189. 追い付く (oitsuku) :catch up with

2190. くしゃみ (kushami) :sneeze

Day 20

2191. 冷ます (samasu) :let cool

2192. だらしない (darashinai) :untidy, sloppy

2193. 甘やかす (amayakasu) :be indulgent to, spoil

2194. いらいら (iraira) :irritated

2195. 薬指 (kusuriyubi) :ring finger

2196. のろのろ (noronoro) :slowly, sluggishly

2197. ポイント (pointo) :point

2198. 工業 (kougyou) :industry, the manufacturing industry

2199. 構造 (kouzou) :construction, structure

2200. さすが (sasuga) :just as expected, true to reputation

Day 21

2201. 居眠り (inemuri) :doze, catnap

2202. 散らかす (chirakasu) :make a mess

2203. 濡らす (nurasu) :get (something) wet

2204. 日にち (hinichi) :date (fixed for something)

2205. 苛める (ijimeru) :bully, abuse

2206. 足下 (ashimoto) :step, under foot

2207. うさぎ (usagi) :rabbit, hare

2208. 紺 (kon) :dark blue, navy blue

2209. 目茶苦茶 (mechakucha) :in a mess, chaotic

2210. 立ち入り禁止 (tachiirikinshi) :no trespassing

Day 22

2211. 間もなく (mamonaku) :soon, in a short time

2212. 通帳 (tsuuchou) :bankbook, passbook

2213. しびれる (shibireru) :go numb, fall asleep

2214. ぎっしり (gisshiri) :tightly, closely

2215. うがい (ugai) :gargling

2216. 思い付く (omoitsuku) :think of, hit upon

2217. 宛名 (atena) :name of recipient, addressee

2218. 戸棚 (todana) :cupboard

2219. 焦げる (kogeru) :be burned, be scorched

2220. かく (kaku) :scratch

Day 23

2221. 威張る (ibaru) :be arrogant, be boastful

2222. 人混み (hitogomi) :crowd

2223. ずらり (zurari) :lining up neatly

2224. 思い切り (omoikiri) :to one’s heart’s content, with all one’s might

2225. 青白い (aojiroi) :pale

2226. しゃがむ (shagamu) :squat down

2227. 言葉遣い (kotobadukai) :wording, language

2228. 通り掛かる (toorikakaru) :happen to pass by

2229. 御無沙汰 (gobusata) :be out of touch

2230. 市場 (shijou) :market (industrial, financial, etc.)

Day 24

2231. データ (deeta) :data

2232. 購入 (kounyuu) :purchase

2233. ビジネス (bijinesu) :business

2234. 俺 (ore) :I (masculine sense)

2235. 登録 (touroku) :registration

2236. 体験 (taiken) :personal experience

2237. デザイン (dezain) :design

2238. 負担 (futan) :burden, charge

2239. 詳細 (shousai) :details, particulars

2240. アップ (appu) :close-up

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