Japanese words by theme

Japanese vocabulary on sickness

Japanese vocabulary on sickness. Hi, in this article, Learn Japanese online will continue introduce to you the Japanese vocabulary list by theme : sicknesJapanese vocabulary on sickness - Japanese words by theme

Vocabulary on sickness:

1.頭痛(ずつう): headache
2.鼻血(はなじ): nosebleed
3.咳(せき): cough
4.熱(ねつ): fever
5.くしゃみ : sneeze
6.風邪(かぜ): catch a cold
7.インフルエンザ : influenza
8.喘息(ぜんそく): asthma
9.腹痛(ふくつう): stomach ache
10.吐き気(はきけ): vomit
11.水痘(すいとう): chickenpox
12.発疹(ほっしん): rash
13.心臓発作(しんぞうほっさ): heart attack
14.糖尿病(とうようびょう): diabetes
15.アレルギー : allergy
16.花粉症(かふんしょう): hay fever
17.下痢(げり): diarrhea
18.おたふく風邪(かぜ): mumps
19.ウイルス  : virus
20.失神(しっしん)する : faint
21.胃痛(いつう): gastric pain
22.吐(は)く : vomitting
23.癲癇(てんかん):  an epileptic
24.片頭痛(へんずつう): migraine
25.麻疹(はしか): measles
26.病気(びょうき): sick
27.吸入器(きゅうにゅうき): inhaler
28.脳卒中(のうそっちゅう): a stroke
29.血圧(けつあつ): blood pressure
30.アトピー性皮膚炎(せいひふえん):  atopic dermatitis
31.感染(かんせん): infection
32.寒(おかん): chill

Above are the list of Japanese vocabulary on sickness.  If there be any words related to time topic which did not appear on this list, please comment below 🙂

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