Japanese vocabulary

The differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費
The differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費

Hello everyone, in this article, Learn Japanese Daily would like to introduce you types of expenses in Japanese. That’s how to tell the differences between 料金, 料, 代 and  費. These are rather similar words that can confuse you to no end. Even though they all are used to refer to expenditure, their usages are different. Let’s learn figure it out together.

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費

1. 「料金」(ryōkin‘) 

Means costs: Is usually used in daily life (spent on services).

For example,

電話料金 (Denwa ryōkin) – Phone cost

通話料金(tsūwa ryōkin) – Calling cost

電気料金 (denki ryōkin) –  Electricity cost

水道料金 (suidō ryōkin) – Cost of water

ガス料金 (gasu ryōkin) – Cost of gas

高速料金 (kōsoku ryōkin) – Toll charge

通行料金 (tsūkō ryōkin) – Toll

駐車料金 (chūsha ryōkin) – Parking fee

郵便料金 (yūbin ryōkin) – Postal fee

入浴料金 (nyūyoku ryōkin) – An entrance fee to enter a public bathroom

基本料金 (kihon ryōkin) – Basic fee

インタアネット利用料金 ( intaanetto riyōryōkin) – Internet fee

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and費

2. 「料」(ryō‘) 

Used a lot in organizations, fees are based on regulations.

For examp,

授業料 (Jugyō ryō) –  Tuition fee

受講料 (jukō ryō) –  Course fee

手数料 (tesūryō) – Commission fee

原稿料 (gen ryō) –  Manuscript fee

サービス料 (sābisu ryō) – Royalties

送料 (sōryō) – Delivery fee

返送料 (hen ryō) – Redelivery fee

使用料 (shiyō ryō) – Usage fee

受信料 (jushinryō) – TV fee

入学検定料 (nyūgaku kentei ryō) – Enrollment fee

入場料 (nyūjō ryō) – Entrance fee

着陸料 (chakuriku ryō) – Landing fee

加入権料 (kanyū ken ryō) – Registration fee when you want to participate in a competition

入院料 (nyūin ryō) – Hospital admission rate

通行料 (tsūkō ryō) – Toll rate

 車検料 (shaken ryō) – Accreditation fee

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費

3. 「代」 (dai‘) 

This is your money, personal expenditure.

For example,

食事代 (Shokuji dai) – Cost of the meal

飲み代 (nomidai) – Cost of the drinks

本代 (hondai) – Money spent on books

床屋代 (tokoya dai) – Money spent on haircuts

タバコ代 (tabako dai) – Money spent on cigarettes

バス代 (basu dai) – Bus fare

車代 (kurumadai) – Car fare

バイト代 (baito dai) – Data fee

電気代 (denki dai) – Electricty fee

ガス代 (gasu dai) – Gas fee

洗濯代 (sentaku dai) –  Laundry fee

資料代 (shiryō dai) –  Money spent to receive information

引越し代 (hikkoshi dai) – Moving-out fee

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and費

4. 「費」 (hi‘) 

Fares such as traffic charge… (paid beforehand)

For example,

参加費 (Sanka hi) – Participation fee

人件費 ( jinken hi) – Labour cost

事業費 (jigyō hi) – Project cost 

社会保障費 (shakai hoshō hi) – Social security cost

義務教育費 (gimu kyōiku hi) – Compulsory education cost

会費 (kaihi) – Membership fee

学費 (gakuhi) – Tuition fee

食費 (shokuhi) – The expense incurred for food

管理費 (kanrihi) – Management fee

事務費 (jimu hi) – Office expenditure

医療費 (iryō hi) – Medical expenses

入院費 (nyūin hi)  – Hospital admission fee ….など

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and費

5. 「賃」(chin‘) 

Expenses for renting labour/things

For example

家賃 (Yachin) – House rental

工賃 (kōchin) – Wages

手間賃 (temachin) – Temporary workers’ wages

運賃 (unchin) –  Carriage fee

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 và 費

6.「金」 (kin‘) 

Potential costs, play as a contribution to activities.

For example :

保証金 (Hoshō kin) – Security deposit

礼金 (reikin) – Gratitude money

敷金 (shikikin) – Security deposit

入学金 (nyūgaku kin) – Enrollment fee

奨学金 (shōgaku kin) – Scholarship

入会金 (nyūkai kin) – Membership admission fee

見舞金 (mimai kin) – A consolatory present of money (to a sufferer)

義捐金 (gien kin) – A collection of contributions

頭金 (atamakin) – A down payment

手付金 (tetsuke kin) – A deposit (for sellers)

賃金 (chingin) – Wages

お祝い金 (oiwai kin) – A gift of money

交付金 (kōfu kin) – Grants

賠償金 (baishō kin) – Compensation for damages

弔慰金 (chōi kin) – Condolence-money

補助金 (hojokin) – Welfare

委託金 (itaku kin) – Commission fee

Differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費

7.「税」 (zei‘) –  Tax

For example,

相続税 (Sōzoku zei) – Inheritance tax

贈与税 (zōyo zei) – Donation tax

所得税 (shotoku zei) – Income tax

消費税 (shōhi zei) – Consumption tax

Above are some ways to tell the differences between 料金, 料, 代 and 費 in Japanese. Hopefully, this knowledge will be helpful to you. Check out other similar articles in section: Japanese vocabulary.

reference : hoc tieng Nhat

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