Japanese grammar dictionary

Japanese これ/それ/あれ grammar kore/ sore/ are
Japanese これ/それ/あれ grammar kore/ sore/ are

Let’s learn Japanese これ/それ/あれ grammar kore/ sore/ are :

JLPT level : N5

Formation :

Meaning and how to use :

These are used to replace noun.
+)これ is used to indicate position of noun that is near the speaker or right at the speaker’s position, but is far the listener.
+) それis used to indicate position of noun that is near the listener or right at the listener’s position, but is far the speaker.
+) あれis used to indicate position of noun that is far away from both speaker and listener.

For example

Sore wa tanaka san no kasa desu.
That is Tanaka’s umbrella.

are wa kimi no keitai denwa desu ka.
Is that your phone?

kore wa akai pen desu.
This is a red pen.

sensei no hon wa are desu.
Teacher’s book is that one.

boku no kaban wa sore desu yo.
My bag is that bag.

Note: In case the speaker and the listener stand in the same position or near each other:
+) “これ” indicates the place near by the 2 people,
+) “それ” indicates an a bit farther position.
+) “あれ” indicates an absolute farther position.

Related structures :

これ/それ/あれ kore/ sore/ are
どこ/どちら doko/ dochira
この/その/あの kono/ sono/ ano
N1のN2 N1 no N2

above is Japanese これ/それ/あれ grammar kore/ sore/ are. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures.

You can search the structure you want by using the search tool on our website (using key : grammar + ‘structure name’ or you can find more Japanese grammar structures in the following category : Japanese grammar dictionary

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