Janapanese for beginers

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 5

Learn Japanese for beginer lesson 2

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 5. hi everyone. In this post, Learn Japanese Daily  will introduce you the very first lessons in the Japanese course-book : Minna no nihongo (Japanese for everyone)

Learn minna no nihongo lesson 5:

Summary :

In the lesson 5 learners will learn about the topic “National holidays”. In this lesson learners will keep continue with the vocabulary part about days, months and structures. At the end of the lesson, learners need to understand all the vocabularies and structures.

First part is vocabulary. There are 5 subjects: verb, transport, nouns, time and location.

 There is only 3 verbs:

いきます: to go

きます : to come

かえります: return, go back

 In transport:

ひこうき : airplane

ふね: ship, boat

でんしゃ: train

ちかてつ : subway

しんかんせん : bullet train

バス : bus

タクシー : taxi

じてんしゃ: bicycle

あるいて : to walk

ふつう : normal or ordinary train

きゅうこう : train that by passes

とっきゅう : train that limited express

Person nouns:

ひと : person

ともだち: friend

ひとり : one person, alone

かぞく : Family

Next, days and week:

せんしゅう : last week

こんしゅう : this week

らいしゅう: next week

せんげつ : last month

こんげつ : this month

らいげつ : next moth

きょねん : last year

ことし : this year

らいねん : next year

がつ : month

なんがつ : what month

ついたち : 1st day

ふつか : 2nd day

みっか : 3rd day

よっか : 4th

いつか : 5th

むいか : 6th

なのか : 7th

ようか : 8th

ここのか 9th

とおか : 10th

じゅうよっか : 14th

はつか: 20th

にじゅうよっか : 24th

にち : day

なんにち : what day?

いつ : when?

つぎの : next

The last is about location:

がっこう : school

えき : station

スーパー : supermarket

Next, the Grammar part.

In lesson 5 will has 6 structures, mostly about the uses of verbs. The first structure related to 3 verbs that appeared in the vocabulary part. It is いきます to go and きます to come, かえります to return.

The structure form is:

Nへ いきます・きます・かえります. It means to go and to return N. In here N is the location nouns.

Practical  へ although it writes へ but when pronouncing it isえ.  It has characteristic that are combined in sentences with verbs that indicate movement and stand after location nouns.

For example: “I go to Tokyo” then it will be: とうきょう へいきます,  Or 日本へきました means “I came to Japan”,

How about “I go home”. The answer is うちへかえります. Remember that the practicalへ is only use in sentence that indicate movement.

If you want to ask about the location, then you have to say どこto replace the noun,

The practical and verb is preserved and attach withへ means go to/come to where?

So we have learned how to say “I go to Tokyo” or “I go home”…

In case you want to say “I don’t go anywhere?”  it is  どこもいきません・いきませんでした.  Of course, the verb need to be in negative.

Practical も  in the above sentence replace  へ is to completely negate the subject.  Another example:  “I don’t study anything” then the sentence will be: 私は何もべんきょうしません.

To go/come/return we will use the practical へ

For instance how do we say to go/come/return by something…? The answer is practical で, transport nouns combine with practical で attach with 3 verbs いきます・きます・かえります means to go/come/return by N, it shows the way to move.

For example, “I go by train” 私はでんしゃでいきますor “I came here by taxi” 私はタクシーできました.

Notice that, this is examples by about using transportation, if go on foot we don’t useで,

For example: “I walked from the station to home” We will say 私は えき からあるいて かえります.

If we want to make a question about transport nouns. The question word will be なん replace the noun, means go/come/return by what?

The fourth structure is NとN. Means doing something with N, in here N is nouns.

When doing something with an object, even with human or animal, we will use the practical と. For instance, かぞく とフランスへかえました (The one doing the action is me) and the last subject is family, that’s why we say かぞくと, this sentence means i went to France with my family.

There is one thing you need to notice, that is the practical と, it is only used when doing something with an object, we can’t use it when doing something alone.

For example: “I go to Japan alone” …ひとりでにほんへいきます in this sentence don’t have と. To make a question for person noun, means go/come/return with who, the question word is だれ, but the practical とand the verb is not changed, only putか at the end of sentence.

From the beginning of this part we have learn some structures about time,

but, we haven’t learned to ask about when right?

In the structure 5 is いつ。When using いつ we don’t use practical に.

For example, I want to ask: “When do you go to Japan?” いつ日本へいきますか.  To answer the question, if we answer with specific time such as 3rd of March  三月三日 に, if your answer has no specific time then you don’t have to answer withに . “I will go on 3rd of March” 三月三日にいきます

The last structure you will learn is with よ, the wordよ stand at the end of sentence to emphasize the information to the listener. For example, to emphasize the train go to Kyoto

この でんしゃは京都へいきますか means “Is this train go to Kyoto?” it will be いいえ、いきません、つぎの ふつうですよ means “No, it isn’t, the next ordinary train.”

So, we have already finished all 6 structures.

Next, is the dialogue

The situation is: Aki and Tanaka talk to each other to plan about their holiday.

Aki:  田中君、休みは何をしますか “Tanaka, what will you do in your holiday?”

Tanaka: フランスへいきます means “I will go to France.”

Aki: そうですか。だれといきますか “Really, who will you go with?”

Tanaka: ああ、かぞくといきます “I’ll go with my family”

Aki: たのしいですね、なんでいきますか “That’s fun, how do you get there?

Tanaka: ひこうきでいきますよ。あきちゃんは. “By plane, what about you?”

Aki: うちで本をよみます “I will stay at home and read book.”

Tanaka know that she won’t go anywhere in this holiday he say:

そですか。プレゼントをか ってあげますよ “Oh, I will buy present for you”

Aki: ええ、ありがとう “Thank you”

Above is Learn minna no nihongo lesson 5. Check out other similar lesson in category : learn japanese for beginer or learn japanese with minna no nihongo. We hope with the instruction in this post, you will find that learning Japanese is not so difficult and you can learn Japanese by yourself. If you have any question, just leave us your question below the post.

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