Janapanese for beginers

Learn Japanese for beginner lesson 3

Learn Japanese for beginer lesson 2

Learn Japanese for beginner lesson 3. hi everyone. In this post, Learn Japanese Daily  will introduce you the very first lessons in the Japanese course-book : Minna no nihongo (Japanese for everyone)

Learn Japanese for beginner lesson 3

Summary :

The second lesson had introduce the first 25 letters of Hiragana. In the third lesson the content is to learn the next 21 letters and some rules of phonetic variant. The requirements of the lesson learners need to know the way to read and write 21 letters and practice, remember it. Besides that, some rules of phonetic variant need to be mentioned.

First line: 、ひ、ふ、へ、ほ

The way to read this line: ha, hi, fu, he, ho

First letter:

Way to read: ha same the word “Harvard”

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke is a vertical and it flicks up slightly to the right.

Second is a short horizontal

Third stroke is vertical stroke but under it curved a small circle

Second letter:

Way to read: hi same as “hill”

Way to write: 1 stroke

It starts with a short horizontal line to the right, then dips down, back up and is finished with another short

Third letter:

Way to read: fu same as “Fuji” mountain

Way to write: 4 strokes

The first stroke is a small horizontal downward and second stroke is a stroke which have curved in the middle. The third and fourth it connect to each other, the way to write with 2 stroke is to scrawl

Fourth letter:

Way to read: he in the word “head”

Way to write: 1 stroke starts upwards to the right before coming back down at roughly a right-angle.

Fifth letter:

Way to read: ho when laughing “ho..ho..ho”

Way to write: is same as the letter ha but there is one more small horizontal above.

Second line: ま、み、む、め、も

The way to read from left to right: ma, mi, mu, me, mo

First letter:

Way to read: ma in the word “mama”

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke a horizontal line from left to right

Second stroke another horizontal line underneath the first

Third stroke s a a vertical line, intersecting the first two strokes, from up to down. Create a small curve, going left, up, and around, cutting across the line

Second letter:

Way to read: mi same as “me” in English

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a small horizontal stroke then draw a vertical which is downward slightly to the left then create a small curve, going left, up, and around pull it longer.

Second is a vertical which cut across the end of the first stroke.

Third letter:

Way to read: mu in the word “moustache”

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke is a short horizontal

Second stroke is a vertical line which cut across the first stroke then create a small curve, going left, up, and around then pull it in a horizontal.

Third stroke is a small stroke which lie slightly to the left.

Fourth letter:

Way to read: me in the word “melody”

Way to write: 2 strokes

The first stroke is almost vertical, going down slightly towards the right.

The second stroke starts at the same height, and comes down towards the left. It loops under the first stroke, crosses through it, and then comes back round to the base.

Fifth stroke:

Way to read: mo same as “more”

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke is a “L” shaped curve, first going vertically down, curving to the right, and finishing it off with a small hook.

Second stroke, create a lowercase “t” form by making a line from left to right.

Third stroke, create a duplicate line like the second stroke right underneath it, from left to right.

Third line:  ら、り、る、れ、ろ

The way to read: ra, ri, ru, re, ro

First letter:

Way to read: ra in the word “rabbit”

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a short horizontal which lie slightly downward

Second stroke is a short vertical line then create a curve to the right side then turn around.

Second letter:

Way to read: ri in “rip”

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a short, downwards vertical stroke that hooks up slightly to the right.

Second stroke is a longer downwards vertical stroke that curves slightly to the left.

Third letter:

Way to read: ru in the word “rub”

Way to write: 1 stroke

It starts horizontally to the right, cuts back down to the left, then curves round underneath before curling back onto itself.

Fourth letter:

Way to read: re in the word “reputation”

Way to write:  2 strokes

First stroke is a straight vertical stroke from top to bottom.

Second stroke is a zig zag stroke that crosses the first one right, left, right, goes vertically down, and flicks to the right.

Fifth letter:

Way to read: ro in the word “rock”

Way to write: 1 stroke

It starts horizontally to the right, cuts back down to the left, then curves round underneath.

Next row is 3 letter: や、ゆ、よ

The way to read: ya,yu,yo

First letter:

Way to read: ya same as the word “yawning”

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke like a horizontal hook

Second stroke is a vertical line slightly diagonal which cut across the first stroke

Third stroke is a small stroke in the first stroke

Second letter:

Way to read: yu same as the word “unique”

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a short vertical, downwards stroke that then curves up to right and back round again.

Second stroke is a vertical stroke that cuts through this curve.

Third letter:

Way to read: yo in the word “yoyo”

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a short horizontal stroke from left to right.

Second stroke starts vertically, going down past the first stroke, before looping to the left and back across itself at the bottom.

Here are 3 letters which doesn’t belong to any row: わ、を、ん

First letter:

Way to read: wa when you surprised “woa”

Way to write: 2 strokes

First stroke is a vertical straight down stroke that may have a slight curve in it.

Second stroke is a zig-zagging stroke that cuts through the first stroke to the right, then back through it going left, before finally looping over to the right and back under.

Second letter:

Way to read: wo in “whoops” i fall

Way to write: 3 strokes

First stroke is a horizontal line from left to right

Second stroke is a vertical line cut across the first then curve it to the right side a half

Third stroke create a curve from right to the left and cut the end of the second stroke.

Third letter:

Way to read: n like the word “knife”

Way to write: 1 stroke

It moves down to the left before flicking up again into a double curl out to the right.

Next is the phonetic rules:
First rule:

Put ” at the end, will change the row K into G :

か、き、く、け、こ change into   が、ぎ、ぐ、げ、ご

Put ” at the end  will change the row S into Z :

さ、し、す、せ、そ change into ざ、じ、ず、ぜ、ぞ

Put ”at the end will change the row T into D:

た、ち、つ、て、と   change into   だ、ぢ、づ、で、ど

Put”at the end , will change the row H into B :

は、ひ、ふ、へ、ほ   change into   ば、び、ぶ、べ、ぼ

Second rule:

Put a small (O) above the letter same as ” into row H will change into P. This rule is only use for the row H.

は、ひ、ふ、へ、ほ   change into    ぱ、ぴ、ぷ、ぺ、ぽ

In conclusion, the lesson 2 introduce the learners the 21 rest letters of Hiragana and learn some phonetic rules.

Above is Learn Japanese for beginner lesson 3. Check out other similar lesson in category : learn japanese for beginer or learn japanese with minna no nihongo. We hope with the instruction in this post, you will find that learning Japanese is not so difficult and you can learn Japanese by yourself. If you have any question, just leave us your question below the post.

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